Navigation on the Saskatchewan


Here is an estimate made in 1881 to start farming on the Saskat-
chewan River, at a time when the nearest railroad station was at Winni-
peg seven hundred miles distant. The supplies would come up by steamer.
3 ponies, $180.00; 1 wagon, $80.00; 1 plow, $20.00; 1 set of single harness,
$45.00; 1 set harrows, $16.00; 1 cart, $35.00; 1 spade, $1.25; 1 shovel,
$1.25; 1 pick, $1.50; 1 cradle for grain, $6.00; 1 scythe, $1.75; 1 scythe
stone, 25c; 2 axes with handles, $2.50; ropes, 25c; total, $390.00.

Seeds were to cost $48 as follows: 20 bushels of oats at $1.50 per
bushel, $30; potatoes, for planting 2 acres, 8 bushels to the acre, at $1 a
bushel $16; other seeds, say $2; total for seeds, $48.

Lumber and tools for house building were estimated as follows: 1
saw $1.00; 1 jack plane $1.50; 1 joining plane $2.00; 1 square $1.25; 1
broad axe $2.50; 1 hammer SOc; 1 rip saw $1.25; 1 keg of nails $4.50; 1
trowel SOc; 1 stone hammer $1.25; 1,000 feet lumber $40.00; total $96.15,
surely not an extravagant estimate for a habitable house.

Provisions, too, were not estimated for on any luxurious basis. This
was the estimate to keep two men for six months: pork at 15c a lb., at
1 lb. a day $54.00; flour, 1 lb. a day at 4c a lb. $14.40; beans, 100 lbs.
$4.00; sugar 40 lbs. at 12c, $4.80; rice 15 lbs. at 8c, $1.20; baking powder
$2.50; tea, 6 lbs. at 90c, $5.40; raisins 1 box, $2.50; currants, 25 lbs. at
6c, $1.50; dried apples, 40 lbs. at lOc, $4.00; pickles, 1 dozen bottles, $3.00;
candles, 10 lbs. at 15c, $1.50; matches, 4 boxes, $1.00; total $99.80. It will
be noted that the only illuminant provided for was candles.

The provision made for house furniture, etc., was as follows: 1 stove
with outfit $28.00; 1 table, say $5.00; half a dozen chairs, say $5.00;
dishes, say $5.00; other articles, say $10.00; total $53.00; grand totals:

House furniture


Provisions for six months


For building house




For starting farm




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