Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

William Eldon “Bill” Janzen, DDS (1896-1977).
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William Eldon Janzen, DDS (1896-1977), Contracts andTeaching Certificates Saskatchewan one room schoolhouses.

William Eldon Janzen
Dentist in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, 1896-1977. Janzen, a teacher at four country one room schoolhouse in Saskatchewan, 1917-1927 enrolled in the University of Alberta's dentistry program in 1927. To support his studies, Janzen played in the Canadian Officers' Training Corps (COTC) band, the University Rink band and the Varsity Five dance band. Janzen also worked the Western Canadian Chautauqua. (Adapted from U of A)

My father was William Eldon “Bill” Janzen., DDS (1896-1977). photo album pictures and the cropped pictures from the photo album are the following one room school house links for further information and maps. My father taught from 1916 to at least 1923. .

This image may be at Normal School or University which he attended when he left teaching and headed into Dentistry. In the listing of links is an image showing the Staff of Rosthern Public and High School as labelled.
Sandra Lynne Janzen Sandra Lynne Janzen Photo Album

Related information:
Bergthal School District 466 (map and images)

Friedensfeld School District 552 (map)

Passchendaele School District 4084(map and images)

Rosthern School District 474 and high school(map and staff)

Class Image

"Normal" Students. Image of three students at "Normal School"(Teacher training)

Photo album pictures

William Eldon Janzen (image)

William Eldon Janzen Fonds Reference code UOFA uofa-938 Alberta On Record. University of Alberta.

Rempel, Al. Rempel-Friesen/Gerbrandt-Hoeppner/Klassen-Abrams/Winter-Wiebe Family Tree

Old and New Furrows: the story of Rosthern Rosthern Historical Society. Digitized online by Our Roots Nos Racines.

For more information:
"Normal Schools"(Teacher training)
Normal School in Saskatoon
Moose Jaw Normal School
Regina Normal School


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1. From: Sandra Lynne Janzen Sandra Lynne Janzen Photo Album
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
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Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, Teaching Certificates,one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Teaching Certificates, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,William Eldon Janzen, DDS 1896-1977, Bill Janzen, Rosthern, Berthal SD 466, Bergthal School District 466, Rosthern School, Rosthern High School, Passchendaele School District 4084, Passchendaele SD 4084, Green Hill SD 497, Green Hill School District 497, Normal School, Teaching Certificates,