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William Rempel (my great grandfather) in the first school in Bergthal Saskatchewan. I had long correspondence with a man who id’s the school since all it said on the back is Bergthal School. Wm Rempel was a teacher in Gretna MB and moved to Sask about 1898. He taught for only a while in Sask. and then was post master in Rosthern from 1901- 1911. I do not know if that school was for Mennonites only, kind of doubt it, because Wm. Rempel was an advocate of public schools. I think William Eldon “Bill” Janzen. taught at Green Hill School District for about 4 years, from approximately 1916 to 1920. Alongside teaching, Bill Janzen ran his father’s car dealership with his brother for a couple of years. No idea when the school his grandfather William Rempel taught at was built. It was the first school in Bergthal and Wm. Rempel taught there about 1898 but for how long I don’t know. Sandra Lynne Janzen Sandra Lynne Janzen Photo Album daughter of Bill Janzen. Further information: A history of the first Bergthal school is related on page 109 of the local history book, Old and New Furrows: the story of Rosthern; "The first teacher in the 1890's was Mr. William Rempel of Rosthern. He taught two years with about twenty students attending. His son, Peter Rempel, resided in Rosthern." On page 453, "in 1916, the Janzen sons, William and Otto, installed garage equipment in the building, took on the General Motors Agency, opened for business as a garage selling Chevrolet and McLaughlin cars. They continued in this occupation until 1919, when they sold out to Clarence Cawley....William Janzen taught school for a number of years, went to the University of Alberta in Edmonton to graduate in dentistry. He opened a dental practice at Wetaskiwin serving in that profession for many years until he retired." Bibliography: Old and New Furrows: the story of Rosthern Rosthern Historical Society. Digitized online by Our Roots Nos Racines. page 109 and 451-455. Nearby Place names Source: 84Aberdeen No. 373 located at is a nearby Rural MunicipalityAlvena located at 12-41-1-W3 is a nearby Village Arma located at 4-42-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Batoche located at 8-43-1-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Batoche Ferry located at is a nearby Unincorporated place Blumenheim located at 31-39-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Blumentahe located at is a nearby Unincorporated place Blumenthal located at 33-40-3-W3 is a nearby Hamlet Carlton located at 27-44-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Carpenter located at 1-42-28-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place Chortitz located at 5-41-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Duck Lake located at 4-45-2-W3 is a nearby Town Duck Lake No. 463 located at is a nearby Rural Municipality Fish Creek located at 7-42A-1-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Fish Creek No. 402 located at is a nearby Rural Municipality Greenfeld located at 15-40-5-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Gruenfeldt located at is a nearby Unincorporated place Gruenthal located at 28-40-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Hague located at 7-41-3-W3 is a nearby Town Hepburn located at 13-41-6-W3 is a nearby Town Hochstadt located at 26-40-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place La Plaine located at 7-43-2-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Laird located at 24-43-5-W3 is a nearby Village Laird No. 404 located at is a nearby Rural Municipality Laniwci located at 35-40-2-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Neuanlage located at 23-40-4-W3 is a nearby Hamlet Rak located at 39-2-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Rheinland located at 31-39-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Rineland located at is a nearby Unincorporated place Roddick located at 18-45-1-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Rosthern located at 35-42-3-W3 is a nearby Town Rosthern No. 403 located at is a nearby Rural Municipality Schoenweise located at 19-40-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Smuts located at 8-40-1-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Sokal located at 18-43-27-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place St. Isidore-de-Bellevue located at 44-27,28-W2 is a nearby Hamlet St. Julien located at 20-T42-R28-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place St. Julien located at is a nearby Unincorporated place St. Louis No. 431 located at is a nearby Rural Municipality St-Laurent-Grandin located at 16-44-1-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Titanic located at 19-44-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Waldheim located at 16-42-5-W3 is a nearby Town Wandsworth located at 28-45-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Wingard located at 45-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place One Room Schoolhouse Map School Map used with permission Historical township, range, meridian maps |
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