Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Rosthern Public School 474 and Rosthern High School
NW quarter section 35 township 42 range 3 West of the Third Meridian.
Province of Saskatchewan, Canada

William Eldon Janzen, DDS (1896-1977) Rosthern School District 474 staff image

School district photographs submitted by Sandra Lynne Janzen Photo album of Sandra Lynne Janzen

Classroom and pupils

This image is of the Staff of Rosthern Public and High School, where William Eldon “Bill” Janzen., DDS (1896-1977). taught.
From Page 95 of Old and New Furrows: the story of Rosthern; "The organisation of the Rosthern School District took place on July 16, 1898. A small, one-roomed school was built on the site of the present Town Hall. William Rempel, better known as the father of the late Peter Rempel, and later Rosthern's Post Master, who was not a qualified teacher, but was given a permit to teach, opened a school in August 7, 1899....In 1900 William Rempel was Secretary-Treasurer." "A special teacher to teach New Canadians in 1924-25 was Mrs. Otto Janzen"
Sandra Lynne Janzen Sandra Lynne Janzen Photo Album

Rosthern contracts and teaching certificates of William Eldon “Bill” Janzen, DDS (1896-1977) at Rosthern.

Old and New Furrows: the story of Rosthern Rosthern Historical Society. Digitized online by Our Roots Nos Racines.
Post Offices Postmasters Library and Archives Canada. Government of Canada.

 Rosthern School District 474 map image

1925 Town of  Rosthern  map image


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1. From: Sandra Lynne Janzen Sandra Lynne Janzen Photo Album
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
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Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district , Rosthern Public School 474, Rosthern High School, NW 35 42 3 W3, NW quarter section 35 township 42 range 3 West of the Third Meridian,