Saskatchewan Gen Web - One Room School Project - Regional or Placename Schoolhouse Listing

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
Other Presentations of Saskatchewan One Room School Districts
(Sorted by School Name, School District #, township-range location.)

Alphabetical Placename Listing:



























AB, CANot Identified PlacenameSaskatchewan Placenames beginning with the letter above and each letter leads to its alphabetical listing. ALERT
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School NameSchool District NumberLocationComments (Source - RM - Date)Neighboring
ADANAC School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Unity
BELTON School District # 2401 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
BELTON School District # NW Sec 9 Tsp 40 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 63 - 100 Unity
BJEIDE CREEK School District # SE Sec 10 Tsp 41 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
BLUE BELL School District # 2494 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Unity
BLUE BELL School District # NW Sec 11 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
BOOTH School District # SW Sec 13 Tsp 46 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 63 - 100 Unity
BUCCLEUGH School District # 3825 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
BUCCLEUGH School District # NW Sec 34 Tsp 40 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
CAIRNSVIEW School District # 3522 NE Sec 36 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Unity
CAIRNSVIEW School District # NW Sec 36 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 1915 Unity
CAIRNVIEW School District # 3522 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Unity
CLEAVERING School District # 3747 NE Sec 20 Tsp 40 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 1917 Unity
CLONE School District # NW Sec 11 Tsp 42 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
CORNELL School District # SW Sec 31 Tsp 37 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 - 63 1939 Unity
DUFFERIN School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 98 Unity
DUKESBURG School District # SW Sec 16 Tsp 34 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
EAGLE VALLEY School District # NW Sec 21 Tsp 42 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
EAST BANK School District # SW Sec 20 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
EAST PRINCETON School District # SW Sec 31 Tsp 37 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
EASTBANK School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Unity
EIGHT MILE LAKE School District # NW Sec 17 Tsp 44 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
ETHMUR School District # SW Sec 20 Tsp 34 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
ETHMUR School District # NE Sec 20 Tsp 34 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
FAIRYLAND School District # SW Sec 13 Tsp 42 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
GLEN LOGAN School District # SW Sec 28 Tsp 40 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
GRANICH LAKE School District # SW Sec 1 Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 100 Unity
HAPPY LAND School District # SE Sec 2 Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
INVERALLEN School District # SE Sec 2 Tsp 40 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 100 (NW-36-39-18-W3) Unity
IVY School District # NW Sec 14 Tsp 34 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 96 Unity
LANGEMARCK School District # 3683 NE Sec 12 Tsp 41 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 149 1916-1957 Unity
LEIPZIG School District # NE Sec 17 Tsp 37 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
LETT School District # NW Sec 28 Tsp 37 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
LEUSUEUR School District # NE Sec 15 Tsp 39 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
MAXSWELL School District # NW Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
MOUNT EVEREST School District # 4418 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
MT. EVEREST School District # NW Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
MUDDY LAKE School District # 2068 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Unity
MUDDY LAKE School District # 2068 SE Sec 21 Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian Spring 1908-Aug 1908 Name change to QUEENSTON 2068 43 1908-1958 Unity
NORTHEND School District # SE Sec 28 Tsp 40 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
OVENSTOWN School District # NW Sec 22 Tsp 42 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
PASCAL School District # NE Sec 35 Tsp 37 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 (NW-35-37-20-W3) Unity
QUEENSTON School District # 2068 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
QUEENSTON School District # 2068 SE Sec 21 Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian Aug 1908 Name changed from MUDDY LAKE 2068 43 1908-1958 Unity
QUEENSTON School District # SE Sec 21 Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
REED LAKE School District # 4149 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Unity
REWARD VILLAGE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
ROSEMARY School District # 4093 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
ROSEMARY School District # SE Sec 2 Tsp 40 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 89 Unity
ROUND VALLEY School District # 2321 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Unity
RYHL School District # SE Sec 26 Tsp 36 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
SCOTSTOWN School District # 2467 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
SCOTSTOWN School District # SW Sec 29 Tsp 39 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
SEAGRAM School District # SE Sec 28 Tsp 42 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
SPY RIDGE School District # NW Sec 31 Tsp 40 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
SUNNY GLEN School District # 439 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Unity
SUNNY GLEN School District # SE Sec 8 Tsp 39 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
THACKERY School District # NE Sec 11 Tsp 41 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
UFFORD School District # 3332 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 later named REWARD 107 Unity
UFFORD School District # SW Sec 3 Tsp 39 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
UNITY TOWN School District # 2321 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
WASTEENA School District # 2231 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity
WASTEENA School District # NW Sec 4 Tsp 41 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity
BLUEBELL School District # 2494 SW NW Sec 11 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 98 107 Unity *
BONNIE HOME School District # 439 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Unity *
EARL BANK School District # 3525 SW Sec 29 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 Unity *
MUDDY LAKE School District # 2565 SE Sec 21 Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Unity *
OVENSTOWN School District # 1802 NW Sec 22 Tsp 42 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 94 107 Unity *
POPLAR SPRING, THE School District # 1676 SE Sec 20 Tsp 39 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 66: Charles L. Vollett Unity *
SCOTSTOWN, THE School District # 2129 NE Sec 35 Tsp 28 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Unity *
ROUND VALLEY School District # 2321 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 22,23 W of the 3 Meridian 64 Unity * / Adanac*
MUDDY LAKE School District # NE Sec 19 Tsp 38 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Unity */ Revenue *
MUDDY LAKE School District # 2948 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity / Revenue
ADA School District # 5074 (NE) SE Sec 14 Tsp 43 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 60 63 ? GM 107 1934-1961 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
ALADA School District # 2955 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1913-1963 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
BALDWINTON School District # 4762 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 107 1928-1964 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
BLUDBELL School District # 2494 SW NW Sec 11 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the Meridian 60 -1910 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
CAIRNSVIEW School District # 322 NW Sec 36 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the Meridian 60 1915 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
DUFFERIN School District # 1888 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1905-1959 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
EAST BANK School District # 3525 SW Sec 29 Tsp 41 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 60 1915/1926-1946 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
HAPPYLAND School District # 1732 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1907-1957 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
IRENE School District # 2157 NW Sec 11 Tsp 44 Rge 23 W of the Meridian 60 1910-1942 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
KILMOUR School District # 180 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60No school built for this organized School District 1890-1898 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
LANGEMARK School District # 3683 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1916-1959 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
MADAWASKA School District # 2238 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1909-1952 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
MANITOU PLAIN School District # 4204 SW Sec 21 Tsp 44 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 60 was named MOUNT ETHEL #4204 1929-1959 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
MOUNT ETHEL School District # 4204 SW Sec 21 Tsp 44 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 60 Renamed MANITOU PLAIN #4204 in 1929 1923-1959 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
RUTH School District # 4066 SE Sec 17 Tsp 42 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 60 1923-1929 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
SEAGRAM School District # 227 SW SE Sec 28 Tsp 42 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 60 1914-1966 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
THULE School District # 4312 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1920-1965 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
VANCE School District # 180 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
WASTEENE School District # 2231 NW Sec 4 Tsp 41 Rge 22 W of the Meridian 60 1908-1954 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
WILBERT School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1901/1910-1957 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
WINTER School District # 4114 Sec 14 Tsp 42 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 60 1916/1918-1968 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
UNITY School District # 927 Sec Tsp 35 [sic] Rge 4 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Unity P.O. Sec.18, Twp.40, R.22, W3 66) Unity [sic]
OSLO School District # 4612 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unwin
BOOTH School District # 4336 Sec Tsp 46? Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unwin / (Marsden?)
UREN School District # 549 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Uren
USHERVILLE School District # 3769 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Usherville

Sources and bibliography .......Location notes

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schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler,schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler

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