Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Kabrud School District 3001
North east section 25 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian
near Kabrud Lake
south west section 29 township 4 range 29 west of the second meridian
near Lisieux
south east quarter of section 9 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian
in the province of Saskatchewan

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Kabrud School District 3001,1921-1955,  North east section 25 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian, near Kabrud Lake southwest section 29 township 4 range 29 west of the second meridian, near Lisieux south east quarter of section 9 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian,

School district photographs taken by Mary Worel

Nearby Place names

Constance is a nearby Unincorporated area

Fife Lake is a nearby Hamlet

Lisieux is a nearby Hamlet

Little Woody is a nearby Unincorporated area

Ogle is a nearby Unincorporated area

Pickthall is a nearby Unincorporated area

Poplar Valley No. 12 Rural Municipality

Quantock is a nearby Unincorporated area

Rockglen is a nearby Town

Scout Lake is a nearby Hamlet

St. Victor is a nearby Hamlet

Twin Valley is a nearby Unincorporated area

Willow Bunch is a nearby Town

Willow Bunch No. 42 is a nearby 84

For more information

Author Rockglen 50th Anniversary CommitteeTitle The rolling hills of home : [gleanings from Rockglen and area / compiled by Rockglen 50th Anniversary Committee]
Published Rockglen, Sask. : Rockglen 50th Anniversary Committee, 1978
ISBN 091921374X

Title The rolling hills of home, vol. II / Rolling Hills History Committee
Published Rockglen, Sask. : Rolling Hills History Committee, 2000
ISBN 1894022483

School Map used with permission

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1. From: Mary Worel
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Kabrud School District 3001,1921-1955
Postal Mail

Kabrud School District 3001,1921-1955, North east section 25 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian, near Kabrud Lake southwest section 29 township 4 range 29 west of the second meridian, near Lisieux south east quarter of section 9 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian, Kabrud School District 3001,1921-1955, North east section 25 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian, near Kabrud Lake southwest section 29 township 4 range 29 west of the second meridian, near Lisieux south east quarter of section 9 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,