![]() | ![]() Aurora School District #1050 Tsp 17 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian est 1904 (Regina, SK, CA) |
Attached is my 72 year old Aurora school photo, probably taken by our teacher, Mrs. Painten. The children are standing on the south side of the school and the stairway to the left leads to the main floor and to the school basement. From the various costumes I believe this was taken on the day of Haloween, in 1937. Unfortunately I cannot identify all of the students. The tall girl in the nurse's uniform, holding a "cat" is Hazel Salter, The tall boy in the Indian head dress is Clarence Telford and the girl in the witch's hat is his sister Lois. I am the short boy wearing a Chinese mask, standing between Clarence and Lois. The tall girl at the extreme right, is Dorothy Denyer and the little girl in the centre front, 3rd from the left is Elizabeth Urquhart. Hazel Salter, Elizabeth Urquhart and I all lived with our parents in the Jail cottages, a mile and a half north of the school. The other children came from surrounding farms. (See Drawing) In the photo, but unidentified are George and Fred Urquhart, Leslie Cross, and Eunice Denyer, Et Al: I am privileged to be able to send this to your web site and hope it is found by some of my old classmates. Ray Spokes |
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