Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Saskatchewan One Room School House
Glen Mason, Historian,
Reminiscences and Notes

I am a retired farmer and my hobby is collecting Saskatchewan local
History Books, and publications by Bill Barry.

It is hoped to come to a more definitive location for the
historical one room schoolhouses, using verification from resources
as listed in the links given in the table below.

Thanks for the work and effort you have put into this project.

Thanks, Glen Mason

School NameSchool District NumberLocation
BAINESVILLE School District # 214 (NW) NE Sec 33 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian
  R.M. of Blucher Located east of Saskatoon on Hwy#5 The school has been remodeled into a private home and the yardsite is surrounded by maple trees.Footnotes #63 Sutherland
CRANICH LAKE School District # 3317 (SE) SW Sec 1 Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian
  Sk A Reminiscence Bruno
GOLDEN ACRE School District # 3064 (NW) NW Sec 7 Tsp 36 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian
  Reminiscence Hillsley
HIGHGATE School District # 2190 (SE) SW Sec 27 Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian
  R.M. of Humboldt Located 10 miles west of Humboldt on Hwy#5 The school has been removed. The site, surrounded by large poplar trees, is occupied by a private home and business (Highgate Boatworks) Footnotes #61 Carmel
SUMMERFIELD School District # 2614 (SE) SE Sec 25 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian
  Reminiscence Elstow
SUNLIGHT School District # 376 (SE) SW Sec 26 Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian
  Sk A / Sask A (Bruno P.O. Twp.38, R.25, W2 CA A) Reminiscence Bruno / Carmel
VALLEY VIEW School District # 2655 (NW) NW Sec 35 Tsp 36 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian
  R.M. of Wolverine Located 15 miles southwest of Humboldt. School is gone and site is surrounded by maple trees. Footnotes #62 Carmel / Carmell [sic]/ Humboldt
VIRTUE School District # 2616 (SE) NE Sec 12 Tsp 38 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian
  Sk A Reminiscence Saskatoon

Webmaster Note:
The above locations are given by (SE) SE in some instances, this would be the South east corner of the south east quarter of the section as given above.

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Sunday, January 16,
Reminiscence by Glen Mason