Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Golden Acre One Room School District #3064

(NW) NW 7-36-24 W2
near Wolverine, Saskatchewan

Golden Acre S.D. #3064 (NW) NW 7-36-24 W2
Written up in the Wolverine History Book. Also Bill Barry book.
The first location was across the road for one year in an old shack before building a new school in 1913.

The buildings are gone and the only evidence of site is maple trees
on the east and south sides of location.
Thanks, Glen Mason
Further Reference:

Title R.M. of Wolverine memory album
Published Plunkett, Sask. : R.M. of Wolverine History, 1981
Author Wolverine History Committee
ISBN 0889252769

Title Geographic names of Saskatchewan
Author Bill Barry
Published Regina, Sask. : People Places Pub., c2005
"The information in this book has been extracted from People Places:
The Historical Gazetteer of Saskatchewan, the author's data base."--p.4
Bibliog. Includes bibliographical references (p. 475)
ISBN 1897010192 (pbk.)

Webmaster Note:
This entry above has been verified as the location of the building of the Golden Acre S.D. #3064
one room school house. The following entries were replaced from the initial databases used
with permission to establish the One Room Schoolhouse Project Online.
GOLDEN ACRE School District # 3064 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian Sk A Hillsley
SK A: Abbreviation for Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Regina Branch
School District Database Organisation
- or Why did a one schoolhouse have more than one entry or location in the database?

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Sunday, January 16,
Reminiscence by Glen Mason