Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Expanse School District 2465
Northwest 12 Township 23 Range 29 West of the second meridian
Lake Johnston, Expanse, Buttress Siding, Mossbank, Saskatchewan

Expanse-plaque 20121012 Expanse-school(HDR) 20121012 Expanse-site and memorial-town(HDR) 20121012 Expanse2465Map
Expanse-plaque 20121012.jpg Expanse-school(HDR) 20121012.jpg Expanse-site and memorial-town(HDR) 20121012.jpg Expanse2465Map.jpg

One Room School District Photographs submitted by Mary Worel

Saskatchewan History
& Folklore Society Inc.

Townsite of Expanse
NW 1/4 12 -12 - 29 W 2 M
Canadian Pacific Railway purchased the
townsite in 1911 and named it Expanse.
Incorporated as a village in 1912, the
first council meeting was held January
7, 1913.

Expanse was the fifth town on the C.P.R.
line south of the city of Moose Jaw. It
was the end of the C.P.R. track for the
south part of the province from July 1912
until 1914. As an "end of Track" boom
town, homesteaders got supplies and
brought grain to Expanse as far
south as the U.S.A. border. The village of
Expanse was disorganised in 1935.

Erected 1994 by
The Rural Municipality of
Lake Johnston No. 102
In Memory of our Hardy Homesteaders

"Gathering, preserving and sharing
the history and folklore of Saskatchewan"

Lake Johnston
Expanse northwest section 12 township 12 range 29 west of the second meridian
Buttress Siding Southwest section 28 township 14 range 27 west of the second meridian
Mossbank northwest Section 25 township 11 range 30 west of the 2nd meridian

One Room Schoolhouse Map

For more information:
Mossbank, Saskatchewan ~ History

Rural Municipality of Lake Johnston No 102

Book Title Furrows and faith
Published Mossbank, Sask. : Lake Johnston-Sutton Historical Society, 1980
ISBN 0889250898

Book Title History and reminiscences of Lake Johnston and Sutton municipalities, 1907-1957, district golden jubilee
Author Fisher, Kenneth V
Published [Mossbank, Sask.] : [s.n.], [1957?]

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