Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Bryn Mawr School District 3312
Southeast 29 township 24 range 19 west of the second meridian
Southey, Bulyea, Saskatchewan
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Bryn Mawr School District 3312, 1918-1952, Southeast 29 township 24 range 19 west of the second meridian, Southey, Bulyea,

se 1/4 29 - 24 - 19 w2

Erected to Honour the One Room

and those pioneers who worked so hard to have it
built. It opened on this site in 1918 and served
until 1952 as an educational facility for the
students as well as an active social, recreational
and religious centre for all ages. It was the
working together of teachers, parents and
students that made the community special.
Erected in 1995.

To the Memory of
Bryn Mawr
Centralized School No. 3312

Originated in 1952 on the S.E. corner of
Section 15 - 24- 19 W2 consisting of the
following four school districts: BRYN MAWR
no. 3312. COYNACH no. 360, SNARUM no. 1262,
and SNOWDROP no. 3414 providing grades
to12 with standards for Universit
enrance. Children were transported by
bus in summer and bombardier in winter.

In 1956 a new six room school was erected
approximately 220 yards north of this cairn,
land location S.E. 29 - 24 - 19 W2 to serve
the four above schools plus the additional
districts of BUTTERTON no. 3729, EASTMOUNT
No. 1715 and part of HAVELOCK no. 2525.

This school operated from 1952 to 1968 and
was a model of success of people working
together for the benefit of higher education
in a rural area

Erected in 1991 by the
1988 Bryn Mawr Reunion Committee.

One Room School District Photographs submitted by Mary Worel

Southey Southeast section 7 township 23 range 18 west of the 2nd meridian
Bulyea Southwest section 27 township 23 range 21 west of the 2nd meridian

For more information:
Southey Saskatchewan

Bulyea, Saskatchewan

Book Title Southey seen
Published Southey, SK : [s.n.], 1965

One Room Schoolhouse Map

Gallery | One Room Schools near Regina, Moose Jaw submitted by Mary Worel

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