Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Bayard School District 1945

(Wood Mountain, Canopus, SK, CA)

Bayard SD $ 4159
This is a photo of the Bayard SD # 4159. The photo's were taken in 1923. The girl in front of the school is Mary Brown.

From the local history book "They came to Wood Mountain" printed in 1967: Written by Mrs. G. Oakes- "Bayard school district was organized in 1922 and opened in 1923. The teacher was Mr. H.H. Ferns." It goes on to mention other Board members and the first year pupils which included a Phoebe & Mary Brown. On page 117 it describes the school year events and community connections. Page 119-"Bayard School, No. 4159-organized 1919-Secretary Treasurer-C.E. Barton, Teachers-1921-Geo. K. Brabeck and Mrs. Eva M. Honey. 1922-Hammond A. MacKinnon. 1923-Herman H. Ferns"

I received these notes from a volunteer for the Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan area.

Bev Thon
Lewiston, Idaho USA Bev Thon

Bayard SD 4159 Tsp 4 Rge 3 W of the 3
Canopus Sec.10, Twp.3, R.2, W3
Wood Mountain Sec.20, Twp.4, R.3, W3




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1. From: Bev Thon
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: Bayard SD
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006

Bayard School District 1945, Wood Mountain, Canopus, SK, Bayard School District 1945, Wood Mountain, Canopus, SK, Bayard School District 1945, Wood Mountain, Canopus, SK, One room Schools, historical schools,