Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

School: Saskatoon

(Saskatoon, SK, CA)

Baseball Champions - Saskatoon c1912-1913

Larger Picture
Hello~ I have a photograph (see above) from my grandmother,
Lillian Victoria NELSON who was born in Winnipeg in 1900.
The picture is labeled "Grade 8 - Saskatoon Lillian". I
wasn't aware that the NELSON family ever lived in Saskatoon
(and perhaps they didn't and Lillian was "sent away" with
another family!). Lillian's parents were Peter NELSON and
Christina CARLSDOTTER NELSON and her siblings included: Amy,
Ida, Eleanor, Ethel, Ed, and Fern.

I was wondering if you might be able to provide any additional
information about the photograph.

Let me know if there are some clues I have have missed! Thank you
for providing a great web site.

Kate Johnson
Denver, Colorado, USA

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1. Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006
From: Kate Johnson
Subject: Photograph - One Room Schoolhouse
To: Julia Adamson