• Alphabetical SURNAME Index |
• Table of Contents |
• As pdf file |
0 | The Aurora. Regina 1926. |
1 | The Aurora |
2 | Foreward |
3 | Hon. S.J. Latta Photo |
4 | Hon J.G. Gardiner Photo |
5 | A Message from the Premier |
6 | Quance, Dr. F.M. Photo |
7 | At the Top of the Hill |
8 | A Teacher's Creed |
9 | "Aurora" Editorial Staff |
10 | Is Idealism Practical? |
11 | Staff ~ Faculty |
12 | do |
13 | do |
14 | do |
15 | do |
16 | Literary Executive |
17 | The General Lit. |
18 | Orchestra |
19 | Sharman and the New Professor |
20 | Athletics |
20 | Hockey Team |
21 | Boys Basketball Team |
22 | Girls' Junior Basketball Team |
23 | Girls' Senior Basketball Team |
24 | Sharman and the New Professor (continued) |
25 | do |
26 | do |
27 | do |
28 | do |
29 | I Heard the Marsh Drinking |
29 | Our Task |
29 | Prize Poems |
30 | Our Task (Poem Continued) |
31 | Valedictory |
32 | do |
33 | do |
34 | Room A |
34 | Room A (09) September |
34 | Room A (10) October |
35 | Room A Portraits |
36 | do |
37 | Room A Portraits (Continued) |
38 | Room A January, 1926 |
38 | Room A (11) November |
38 | Room A (12) December |
39 | Room A March |
40 | Room B |
41 | do |
42 | Room B Portraits |
44 | do |
44 | do |
45 | Executive for Fall Term |
45 | Executive for Spring Term |
45 | Room C |
45 | Room C at Normal |
46 | do |
46 | Room C History |
47 | Room C Portraits |
48 | do |
49 | do |
50 | Room D |
51 | Room D Portraits |
52 | do |
52 | do |
53 | do |
54 | Room D (Continued) |
55 | Room E |
56 | Room E Portraits |
57 | do |
58 | Room E (Continued) |
58 | The Anvil |
59 | Room F |
60 | do |
61 | Room F Portraits |
62 | do |
63 | do |
64 | Room G |
66 | Room G (Continued) |
67 | Room H |
68 | do |
69 | do |
70 | Room H (Continued) |
70 | Room H Orchestra |
71 | do |
72 | Room I Portraits |
73 | do |
74 | Satire (Page 1) |
75 | do |
76 | The Editor's Dream |
77 | do |
78 | do |
79 | Advertisement |
80 | do |
81 | do |
82 | do |
83 | do |
84 | do |
85 | do |
86 | do |
87 | do |
88 | do |
89 | do |
90 | do |
91 | do |
92 | do |
93 | The Education of Soldiers' Dependent Children |
94 | Examinations, 1926 |
94 | Normal School Sessions |
94 | Summer School for Teachers |
95 | Advertisement |
96 | do |
97 | do |
98 | do |
99 | do |
100 | do |
101 | do |
102 | do |
103 | do |
104 | do |
105 | do |
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
The Aurora 1926 Regina Normal School Regina Saskatchewan
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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Regina Gen Web Region
The Aurora 1926 Alphabetical SURNAME Index
Table of Contents The Aurora
The Aurora 1926 As pdf file
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Date March 14, 2013
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