Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Percy School School District #202
SW4 9 5 W2

North of Kisbey, SK, CA

Percy School District 202
Good afternoon:
While researching ancestral records in the Arcola area, I can add two
new one room schools to the project, Percy School located north of
Kisbey in the southeast of the Province, and Cherry Ridge, located near
Nipawin in the north central area.

Attached is Percy School, located on my great grandfather's home quarter
north of Kisbey, SW4 9 5 W2. I have attached some current photos of the
cairn and the school as it exists today housing the Kisbey museum, and a
couple of historic photos, which I am unable to date. My grandfather attended
this school after moving to Canada from Scotland at the age of nine years in
1905, so it was in service for quite awhile!

Rick Krehbiel
Prince George, British Columbia

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Percy School pictures submitted by photographer:
Rick Krehbiel and family

Date: October 15, 2005