One of the most interesting and representative professions of the
present day is civil engineering and J. E. Underwood, municipal engineer
and land surveyor, stands foremost among the members of the profession
in the city of Saskatoon and throughout the province. He was born in
Huron district, Ontario, in November, 1882, a son of Joseph and Mary
(Miller) Underwood, natives of Ontario, in which province the father
was an agriculturist for many years.
In the acquirement of his education Joseph E. Underwood attended
the public schools of Huron county and was graduated from the high
school in Harrison, Ontario. In 1909 he graduated from the University
of Toronto and then worked for the Dominion government for two years.
In May, 1911, he wrote the Dominion land surveyors' examination and
the Saskatchewan land surveyor's examination in April, 1912, and was
made an associate member of the Engineering Institute of Canada in
October of that year. Mr. Underwood received the C. E. degree in civil
engineering from the University of Toronto in 1920. In 1911 he came
to Saskatoon and became a partner in the well known firm of McArthur
& Murphy, the firm name being changed to McArthur, Murphy & Under-
wood. In 1912 Mr. McArthur withdrew from the firm and Mr. Under-
wood was associated with Mr. Murphy as Murphy & Underwood until
the spring of 1921, when Mr. Underwood took over the business~and has
since operated it. The firm engineered the waterworks and sewerage
systems for the town of Melfort and also of The Pas and a like system
at Sutherland, each job costing around two hundred thousand dollars.
The company also installed electric light systems and waterworks at
Wilkie, Scott and Assiniboia. Mr. Underwood has built up an extensive
business and in the summer months keeps four to five parties on field
work. During the winter months he retains from two to three engineers.
Associated with him in the conduct of his present business are R. A.
McLellan, B. A. Sc., D. L. S. and A. M. E. I. C., Saskatchewan and Mani-
toba Land Surveyor; and G. L. MacKenzie, B. Sc., A. M. E. I. C., civil
engineer and Dominion land surveyor. For two years Mr. Underwood
lectured at the University of Saskatchewan on civil engineering.
In December, 1911, Mr. Underwood was married to Miss Lina Case
and they have three children: Bruce, born in May, 1913; Edith, born in
August, 1914; and Beth, born in January, 1917. Fraternally Mr. Under-
wood is identified with the Masons, holding membership in Saskatche-
wan Lodge No. 16, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, and also in the
chapter. Along strictly professional lines he is identified with the Sas-
katchewan Land Surveyors Association and the Dominion Land Sur-
veyors Association, and he is a member of the Town Planning Institute
of Canada. Although the greater part of his time and attention is de-
voted to his business interests, Mr. Underwood is public-spirited and is
ever cognizant of the duties and responsibilities as well as the privileges
of good citizenship. He is well informed on all important questions and
issues of the day and is ever ready to lend his influence to the support of
any movement for the benefit of the community. His religious faith is
that of the Presbyterian church.
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