Although Dr. A. Lloyd Anderson has practiced medicine but a short
time he has an extensive practice in Saskatoon. He was born in Victoria
Road, Ontario, on the 17th of May, 1895, a son of R. A. and Lilly (Caver-
ley) Anderson, natives of Ontario. In early life the father engaged in
the mercantile business in that province and continued therein until 1910,
when he came to Saskatchewan and located in Craik, where he farmed
until 1914 and then came to Saskatoon, and established a grocery store.
He has since been in the grocery business and has won substantial suc-
cess. Mrs. Anderson died on the 1st of August, 1922.
In the pursuit of his education A. Lloyd Anderson attended the public
schools of his native province and was a student in the high schools of
Craik and Regina, Saskatchewan. Upon the completion of his prelimin-
ary education he enrolled in the University of Saskatchewan and was
graduated from that institution in 1917, with the B. A. degree. His boy-
hood ambition was to enter the medical profession and he enrolled in the
University of Toronto for his medical training, and was graduated from
that institution in 1921, with the M. B. degree. The following year he
served as an interne in the Toronto General Hospital. In September of
the year 1922 he came to Saskatoon and established offices for the prac-
tice of his profession. Dr. Anderson is one of the most promising young-
er members of the profession in the city and province and is held in high
esteem by his fellow practitioners and others.
The Doctor is a member of the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine and
of the Saskatchewan Medical Association. He likewise holds membership
in the Eclectic Club. During his college days the Doctor was elected a
member of Alpha Omega Alpha, an honorary medical fraternity. Since
reaching man's estate Dr. Anderson has given his political allegiance to
the man he thinks best fitted for the office, without regard to party prin-
ciples. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church.
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