Dr. James W. Turnbull, physician and surgeon, came to the starting point of his career well equipped by thorough training, and in the inter- vening years has been a close and discriminating student, quickly adopt- ing those methods and measures which his judgment sanctions as of value in the work. He has practiced in Regina for some years and is held in high confidence and esteem by both his fellow practitioners and townsmen. He was born in Carleton county, Ontario, in 1876, a son of Robert Turnbull, extended mention of the family being made in the sketch of R. W. Turnbull on another page of this work. In the pursuit of his education James W. Turnbull attended the public schools of Kemptville and Vankleek and upon the completion of his school- ing he engaged in teaching school. He taught in Ontario for four years and in 1898 came to Regina, Saskatchewan, and taught there and in the schools at Strathcona and Red Deer until 1902. In 1898 Mr. Turnbull was a student in the Regina Normal School. In 1902 he enrolled in McGill University for the study of medicine and was graduated from that institution in 1906 with the M. D. degree. He took postgraduate work in surgery and obstetrics in New York in 1907 and remained in that city until 1911, completing an intensive course of study. In 1912 he returned to Regina and opened offices for the practice of his profession. Dr. Turnbull has specialized in surgery and maternity cases and has achieved success in those branches of the profession. In addition to his profes- sional duties he also cultivates one thousand acres of fine land in this district. In 1906 Dr. Turnbull was married to Miss Stella McNeel, who was born in Chesley, Ontario, a daughter of Rev. Mr. McNeel, a Presbyterian minister. Mrs. Turnbull received her education in the place of her birth. To Dr. and Mrs. Turnbull two children have been born: James, who is a student in the local school; and Bill, who is five years of age. The re- ligious faith of the Turnbull family is that of the Knox Presbyterian church. The Doctor is a member of the Canadian Club, the Country Club and the Golf Club and he is president of the Provincial Chess As- sociation, having held that important position for some time. The Doc- tor's hobby is checkers and chess and he is proficient in both games. Bibliography follows:

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