Hon. John M. Uhrich, provincial secretary and minister in charge of
the bureau of public health since April, 1922, represents the constituency
of Rosthern in the legislative assembly, to which he was first elected in
1921. His birth occurred at Formosa, Ontario, on the 7th of June, 1877,
his parents being Ignatius and Caroline Braehler Uhrich, who represented
Alsatian and Canadian families, respectively. The father was a French
veteran of the Franco-Prussian war.
John M. Uhrich acquired a high school education at Walkerton, On-
tario, and then entered upon preparation for a professional career as
a student in the medical department of Northwestern University at Chi-
cago, Illinois, which institution conferred upon him the degrees of Ph. C.
and M. D. The year 1909 witnessed his arrival in Hague, Saskatchewan,
where he practiced medicine continuously and successfully until chosen
a member of parliament and became widely recognized as a most skilled
physician and surgeon.
In June, 1910, Dr. Uhrich was united in marriage to Miss Catherine
Tischart, daughter of J. B. Tiachart of Formosa, Ontario. They are com-
municants of the Catholic church. The Doctor is a Liberal in politics
and, becoming a candidate for the provincial constituency of Rosthern,
was first elected to the Saskatchewan legislature at the general election
of 1921. In April, 1922, he became provincial secretary and minister
in charge of the bureau of public health and upon the creation of a de-
partment of public health in 1923 he was made minister and has since
so served, making a notable record for efficiency and dispatch in the dis-
charge of his important duties.
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