Thomas Dickson is manager of the Bank of Montreal at Unity and is one of the representative citizens of this community. He was born at Downpatrick, Ireland, on the 5th of February, 1886, a son of Robert and Elizabeth (McCombe) Dickson, likewise natives of that community. The father engaged in farming in Ireland all of his life and died there in November, 1891. Mrs. Dickson survived her husband until April, 1921. Thomas Dickson was reared to young manhood in Downpatrick and received his education there. Upon the completion of his high school course he enrolled in a business college in Belfast and at the age of seven- teen years, in 1903, joined the Ulster Bank, remaining with that institu- tion seven years. In 1910 he came to Canada and .located at Toronto, where he entered the employ of the Bank of British North America. He worked for that institution in Calgary and Wynyard and subsequently, the result of his innate ability and conscientious performance of the thing at hand, he was made manager of the branch at Darlingford, Manitoba, in 1913, and in 1915 returned to Wynyard as manager, remaining there until June, 1923, when he came to Unity. Like many other men engaged in his line of work Mr. Dickson has worked his way up from a very minor position and is thus well fitted to discharge the many important duties devolving upon him as manager of the institution. In August, 1915, Mr. Dickson was married to Miss Lillie Gibson, and they are the parents of two children: Brian, born in May, 1916; and Thomas Nugent, born in October, 1918. Mrs. Dickson is a woman of cul- ture and refinement, and is a graduate of Dublin University, from which institution she received the B. A. degree in 1912. Mr. Dickson gives his political support to the Conservative party and is well informed on all important questions and issues of the day. For three years he was a member of the Agricultural Society at Wynyard and is a director of the Agricultural Society of Unity. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Dickson was reared in the faith of the Unitarian church but is now attending the Presbyterian church and he was manager of that church in Wynyard for eight years. Although he has made his home in Unity but a short time, he has become well acquainted and is already occupying a position of prominence among the town's leading citizens. Bibliography follows:

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