A prominent and successful barrister of Regina is Franklin W. Turn-
bull, of the firm of Turnbull & Turnbull. He was born in Carleton county,
Ontario, on the 19th of June, 1881, a son of Robert and Elizabeth (Green)
Turnbull, extended mention of whom may be found in the sketch of R. E.
Turnbull, appearing on another page of this work.
In the acquirement of his education Franklin W. Turnbull attended
the public schools of his native province and was in due time graduated
from high school. In 1905 he came to Regina, previous to that time
having taught school in Alberta and Manitoba. He studied law under the
tutelage of Sir Frederick Haultain for five years and was called to the
bar in 1910. He has since practiced in Regina and has made rapid strides
in the profession. He has been associated with various legal firms in
the city and in 1916 entered into partnership with W. A. Goetz. Later
he became a partner of W. R. Kinsman and subsequently his brother, R. E.
Turnbull, was taken into the firm. In 1922 Mr. Kinsman resigned from the
firm and since that time Mr. Turnbull has been practicing in partnership
with his brother, under the firm style of Turnbull & Turnbull. He de-
votes his entire time and attention to his various legal duties and has a
large and representative clientele, handling much important litigation be-
fore the courts.
In 1911 Mr. Turnbull was married to Miss Margaret Snedden, who
was born in Almonte, Ontario, where she received her education and
subsequently engaged in teaching school in Ontario and in Regina. To
Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull four children have been born: Robert Franklin,
Jean, and John Snedden, who are pupils in the local schools; and Mabel.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Turnbull has followed an independent
course in politics, giving his support to the man he thinks best fitted for
the office without regard to party principles. He maintains an active inter-
est in local affairs and is ever ready to support those interests which are
calculated to better the conditions of his home city. Fraternally he is
identified with the Canadian Order of Foresters and the United Order
of Canadians. His religious faith is manifest in his membership in the
Westminster Presbyterian church.
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