Alfred Perring Taylor, Deputy Provincial Treasurer for the province of Saskatchewan since 1913, was born October 8, 1872, at Oota-camund, Neilgherry Hills in the Madras Presidency, India, the son of William Thomas Taylor and Adela Louisa (nee Perring). His grandfather on the paternal side was Captain Taylor, Paymaster of the Madras Forces, while his father, though born in Ireland, spent much of his early life in India, where he was engaged in the banking business. His grandfather Perring was Chief Justice of Ceylon. His great-grandfather was Sir John Perring, Baronet, banker and Lord Mayor of London. The family returned to England about 1874, where the son was reared and educated. Mrs. Taylor was a communicant of the Church of Eng- land. Mr. Taylor was a Presbyterian and also a Mason, having been initiated into the grand lodge of Ireland in 1836. A. Perring Taylor was in 1889 apprenticed to one of the large Joint Stock Banks, serving five years and afterward had a diversified business experience in London, England, in secretarial and accounting work. He came to Winnipeg in 1903, but shortly thereafter settled in Grenfell, where he tried farming, but found himself ill adapted to the life. In 1905 he came to Regina and accepted a position in the Treasury Department of the government, where he remained for five years, but resigned to carry on business for himself as a public accountant. He returned to the Treasury Depart- ment as Deputy Provincial Treasurer in February, 1913. The position is a responsible one, as all the finances of the province, under legisla- tion, have to be handled by the Treasury. Mr. Taylor was married in January, 1895, to Mary Constance Middle- coat, who was born in the Madras Presidency, India. Her father was Colonel Frank Middlecoat, Commandant at Pallavurum, Madras. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are the parents of six children: Dorothy Olive, born in November, 1895, is married to Henry William Romney Rambaut of Regina, and they have a son, Sidney Clement, born in May, 1921; Gladys Mary, born in January, 1897, was married to Ernest Alexander Harris of Regina; Kathleen Irene, born in July, 1898, was married to Joseph Mac~ Dougall of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Clement Perring, born in February, 1900, enlisted in the Sixty-eighth Batt. of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces and served overseas in the Great war; Phyllis Ethel, born in Octo- ber, 1903, was married to Donald Fraser Sturrock of Victoria, British Columbia; and Blanche Elaine, born in July, 1911, died in September, 1911. Mr. Taylor is a Royal Arch Mason and belongs to the Assiniboia Club and the Regina Golf Club. His particular hobbies are golf, billiards and painting. Bibliography follows:

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