One of the prominent and substantial business men of Saskatoon is Albert J. E. Sumner, vice president and secretary-treasurer of R. M. Buchanan & Company, Limited, a financial brokerage, real estate and insurance business. He was born in London, England, on the 12th of July, 1882, a son of Albert J. E. and Jane (Sumner) Sumner, likewise natives of London, England. The father was a prominent member of the dental profession in that city. Mrs. Sumner died in 1888. In the acquirement of his education Albert J. E. Sumner attended school at Grimsby, Lincolnshire, and he was a student at King's College, London. Upon the completion of his schooling he farmed for three years, or until 1901, when he came to Canada. He located near Griswold, Mani- toba, and worked on a ranch for one and one-half years. In the spring of the year 1902 he came to Saskatchewan and engaged in agricultural pursuits in this province for a time. In 1904 he took up the study of law in the office of Herbert Achison, remaining with him two years, but did not complete the course. He then became associated with J. H. C. Willoughby Company, Limited, real estate and insurance, and was made secretary and treasurer of the company in 1906. Four years later the firm became Willoughby-Sumner Company Limited, and in 1913 Mr. Sumner went to his old home in London, England, and there opened an office for the firm. In 1919 he severed his connection with the firm and in June of the year 1921 became associated with R. M. Buchanan & Com- pany, Limited, as vice president and secretary-treasurer. During his association with Mr. Willoughby they built a number of large office buildings and department stores in this city and were representatives for trustees of the original townsite of Saskatoon. While in England the Great war broke out and Mr. Sumner put all personal interests aside and enlisted in the service of his country. In May, 1916, he became a member of the Canadian army and was subsequently transferred to the Air Force, with the commission of lieutenant. He was in active service until the signing of the armistice closed hostilities and received his honorable dis- charge in February of the year 1919. Mr. Sumner is a lieutenant in the Canadian Air Force Reserves and was on the executive board of the Air Board Council for the province of Saskatchewan in 1920. As secretary- treasurer and vice president of R. M. Buchanan & Company, Limited, Mr. Sumner has large responsibilities and meets them with an efficiency which commands for him confidence and respect. Business interests and activities have claimed the greater part of his time since he started out in life on his own account, and without assistance from others he has worked his way steadily upward, realizing that energy, industry and perseverance are substantial qualities in the attainment of success. On the 6th of April, 1910, in England, Mr. Sumner was married to Miss Margaret Jamieson of Paisley, Scotland, and they have three chil- dren: Margaret Jean, whose birth occurred on the 26th of January, 1911; Nora Muriel, born the 24th of January, 1913; and Dorothy Eileen, whose birth occurred in October, 1914. Fraternally Mr. Sumner is iden- tified with the Masons and he is a member of Saskatchewan Lodge, No.16; a Noble of Wawa Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Regina; and a member of the chapter at Saskatoon. He likewise has become a member of the Saskatoon Preceptory, No.55, and is a past noble grand of the I. 0.0. F. Socially he is identified with the Constitutional Club of London, England, the Richmond Golf Club of London, England, and the Riverside Country Club of Saskatoon. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church. Mr. Sumner has traveled extensively, having made twenty-two trips across the Atlantic ocean and journeyed throughout the continent and the South Seas, and he is a member of the Royal Colonial Institute of Lon- don, England. Mr. Sumner has become one of the most influential men in this city. He has considerable mineral land in the north and is di- rectly connected with many important and representative enterprises. Bibliography follows:

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