Alexander Simpson, senior member of the legal firm of Simpson, Gold
& Stockan, is one of the foremost barristers of Saskatoon. He was born
in Scotland and is a son of John and Margaret Mitchell (Robertson)
Simpson, natives of that country. Mr. Simpson's father died in 1912.
His mother survives and continues to reside in Scotland.
In the pursuit of his education Mr. Simpson attended the public
schools of his native country and in due time graduated from high school.
Subsequently he enrolled in the University of Edinburgh,. where he
studied law. Upon being duly qualified Mr. Simpson practiced his pro-
fession at Leith, Scotland, until October, 1912, when he came to Canada
and located at Regina. In March, 1913, Mr. Simpson came to Saskatoon
and has since practiced here. He has an extensive and important clien-
tele and handles a considerable amount of litigation before the courts.
The present firm of Simpson, Gold & Stockan was formed in 1915, and
maintains three offices, Mr. Simpson having charge of the office in Saska-
toon, Mr. Stockan at Langham and Mr. Gold at Radisson. They are all
well versed in the profession and rank high at the provincial bar. Aside
from his duties as a barrister, Mr. Simpson has considerable farming
interests in the district.
Along professional lines Mr. Simpson is identified with the Saskatche-
wan and Saskatoon Bar Associations. Fraternally he is identified with
the Masons and holds membership in the Saskatoon Golf Club and the
Saskatoon Curling Club. The religious faith of Mr. Simpson is that of
the Presbyterian church. Although Mr. Simpson has never sought nor
desired political preferment, he is essentially public-spirited and sup-
ports the measures which he believes will promote the healthful growth
of the community. He is a man of genial and pleasing personality and
has hosts of friends.
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