William Willoughby Miller has been an active factor in the business life of Biggar since 1910 and he is one of the most substantial and enter- prising of this town's residents. He was born in Brockville, Ontario, on the 12th of September, 1880, a son of Willoughby and Isabella (Baker) Miller. His parents were natives of Ontario and the father engaged in agricultural pursuits all of his life in Leeds county, in which county he was born. He was one of the prominent men of the community and died in March, 1921, after a life of successful achievement, being eighty-five years of age at the time of his death. His widow survives him and is making her home in Athens, Ontario. Upon attaining school age William Willoughby Miller entered the public schools of Greenbush, Ontario, and at the age of fourteen years put his textbooks aside and started out into the world on his own account. He went to New York and there worked for a brother, in the grocery and butcher business, for three years, returning to his home at the termina- tion of that time. He then went to Boston to learn the dye trade but did not find that line of work to his liking and again came back home and farmed in Leeds county, Ontario, for six years. In 1910 he came west, settled in Biggar and bought out the general store here. He was successful in the conduct of this enterprise from the start and each year has witnessed a substantial increase in the business. He enlarged his store building in 1914 and 1920, has one of the largest and most modern department stores in the town and district, and carries eighty thousand dollars worth of stock. He personally supervises every department of the enterprise and is quick to see any way in which he can promote the efficiency of the establishment, his earnest endeavor being always to give his patrons the best that money can purchase. Some time ago Mr. Miller also took over the agency for the McLaughlin and Chevrolet cars and he owns a large garage here. On first coming to Biggar he homesteaded some land three miles northwest of the town and has since supervised the cultivation of this land. He is a man of varied and important activi- ties and well deserves his success, for it is the result of his own intelli- gently directed efforts, laudable ambition and courage to take advantage of opportunities when offered. On the 27th of June, 1906, Mr. Miller was married to Miss Lillian Powell of Kemptville, Ontario, a daughter of George and Elizabeth (Mont- gomery) Powell. The father was. a farmer and came to Biggar in 1913. He died here on July 8, 1923. His widow still makes her home in Biggar. Mrs. Miller was educated at Kemptville, North Rideau. Since coming here she has become past mistress of L. 0. B. A., member of the grand lodge of Saskatchewan. To their union two children have been born: George W., whose birth occurred in Greeubush, Ontario, on the 2d of July, 190~; and Lenora E., who was born on the 8th of July, 190~, also at Greenbush, Ontario. Mr. Miller gives his political allegiance to the Conservative party and served on the local city council in 1912 and 1913. He is now a member of the school board. Fraternally he iS identified with the Masons and is past master of Orange Lodge. Socially he is connected with the Biggar Golf Club and the Curling Club and he is a shareholder in the Curling and Skating Club. The religious faith of Mr. Miller is that of the Methodist church and he is a member of the official board. Bibliography follows:

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