Chester Charles Graham, secretary and treasurer of the Western Man- ufacturing Company of Regina, was born near Aurora, Ontario, on the 28th of August, 1876, the son of Andrew and Catherine (Colford) Graham. His father, who was born near Stouffville, in that province, was engaged in agricultural pursuits all of his active life and now lives in Stouffville, which has been his home since he left the farm. He is Liberal in his political views and a Presbyterian in his religious faith, as was his wife. Catherine Colford was a native of Ontario, and the daughter of Irish parents. She was married and lived her entire life in the province in which she was born, passing away some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graham were the parents of three sons, of whom Ches- ter Charles of this review is the eldest. Nelson Clifford lives at Mount Albert, Ontario, while Frank, a resident at Kincaid, Saskatchewan, is a farmer. Chester Charles Graham was educated in the public schools of On- tario, taking the high school course, and later studied business subjects in a commercial school. His first position was in the office, of a specialty company, where he remained for a short time. From Ontario the young man went to Crowley, Louisiana, to become an employe of the Eagle Rice Mills and four years later went to Bay City, Texas, where he worked for the Colorado Valley Mill Company for three years. After another year spent in New Orleans, in the employ of the Empire Rice Milling Com- pany, he returned to his 'father's farm in Ontario, where he resided for about nine months. In the spring of 1906 he came out to Saskatchewan, becoming associated with the Western Manufacturing Company of Regina as an accountant. When the firm was reorganized two years later he be- came secretary and treasurer and has held these offices for the past fif- teen years. On the 27th of January, 1908, Mr: Graham was married to Alla Ann George, daughter of Thomas H. George, a financial agent at Paisley, Ontario. Mrs. Graham was born at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have a daughter: Marjorie Evelyn, who is eleven years old. The family is affiliated with the Presbyterian church, while Mr. Graham is a promi- nent Mason. He belongs to both the Scottish and York Rites and is past prince of the Royal Arch chapter. He enjoys an occasional game of golf, which he plays at the Regina Golf Club, and spends considerable leisure time working in his garden. While he is not unmindful of the social amenities of life Mr. Graham allows nothing to interfere with the per- formance of his business duties, which are always his first consideration, and this steadfast devotion to his work constitutes the basis of his grow- ing success. He has neglected no opportunity that would enable him to advance and the years have brought him a measure of prosperity that is the merited reward of his labors. Bibliography follows:

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