A successful business man and leading citizen of Saskatoon is Elmer A. Brink, manager of the McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited. He was born at Carver, Minnesota, United States of America, on the 22d of May, 1884, a son of Andrew P. and Johanna (Anderson) Brink, natives of Sweden. His parents came to the United States in 1861 and on the second day of June the father enlisted in the Third Minnesota Regiment and served until the close of the Civil war. He was called back from Tennessee to take part in the fight against the Indians and was present at the New Ulm Massacre. He was in North Dakota and suffered greatly from exposure, having his hands, feet and face so badly frozen that it left him a cripple. Subsequently he engaged in farming in Minnesota for forty years and for the past twenty years he has lived retired, making his home in Minneapolis. Mr. Brink is eighty-one years of age and his wife is seventy-eight. In the acquirement of his education Elmer A. Brink attended the public schools of Minnesota and was graduated from Duluth Business University at Duluth in 1900. He then engaged in lumbering in north- ern Minnesota, where he bought timber lands, and he was active in that line of work until 1908. He then moved into Crosby, Minnesota, and conducted a hardware business until 1912, in the fall of which year he came to Edmonton. He established a hardware store at Hanna, Alberta, and disposed of it on the 1st of March, 1916, removing to Calgary, where he became associated with the McLaughlin Motor Car Company as a traveling salesman. For six years he traveled for this concern and in March, 1923, was made manager of the company's business at Saskatoon. Mr. Brink employs four traveling salesmen and has a staff of efficient employes in the local office. He has charge of distribution to sixty-five dealers in northern Saskatchewan. Mr. Brink is essentially a business man and he gives every department of the business his personal super- vision. He knows the automobile business and has succeeded in building up extensive patronage for the McLaughlin Motor Car Company, which numbers him among its most valued associates. On the 30th of May, 1913, Mr. Brink was married to Miss Anna Catherine Shook. They have two children: Francis Marion, whose birth occurred on the 25th of May, 1914; and David Alden, born on the 11th of October, 1918. Mr. Brink has always maintained an active interest in local affairs and during his residence in Hanna, Alberta, was mayor of that town, having the distinction of being its first mayor. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and socially he is connected with the Riverside Country Club and the Kiwanis Club. His religious faith isthat of the Methodist church. Bibliography follows:

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