One of Regina's progressive business men who has in recent years taken more than a minor part in the promotion of local enterprises and commercial affairs is Charles Victor Smith, general manager and secretary of the Saskatchewan Mortgage & Trust Corporation, Limited, with which he has been associated since its organization in 1909. Mr. Smith was born in Manitowaning, Ontario, the son of W. R. and Louise (Vanzant) Smith, both of whom were natives of that region. His education was obtained in his birthplace. Upon coming west in 1905 he spent two years in the lumber business at Weyburn, following which he came to Regina to enter the employ of the Great West Permanent Loan Company as an accountant. He resigned this position in 1909 to join in the organization of the Sas- katchewan Mortgage & Trust Corporation, Limited. This has grown to be one of the most substantial and reliable concerns of its kind in the province and does a large volume of business annually. After serving the corporation as an accountant for the first three years of its history, Mr. Smith was elected to his present position of secretary and general man- ager and in this dual capacity has been one of the principal factors in the company's development. In addition to his associations with the Sas- katchewan Mortgage Corporation, Mr. Smith is a director of the Central Canadian Securities, Limited, and maintains official connections with sev- eral other well known financial and commercial enterprises of the city. Mr. Smith was married on January 15, 1918, to Miss Mabel Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham of Govan, Saskatchewan, and a native of Ontario. Mr. Graham has retired from active life as a business man after a very prosperous career and is now Municipal Secretary in Govan. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Smith: Bettie, aged three; and Junior, who has just celebrated the first anniversary of his birth. Mr. Smith is a member of the Canadian and Kiwanis Clubs of Regina. In 1910 he held the office of secretary in the Saskatchewan Amateur Ath- letic Association. Through this society and his own personal efforts he has done much to stimulate an interest in amateur sports throughout the province and to get such games as Rugby, lacrosse, hockey and the other outdoor sports established in the various localities as permanent and popular forms of recreation and amusement. A successful pursuit of business affairs, in Mr. Smith's opinion, is not incompatible with a proper enthusiasm for wholesome exercise and diversion. On the contrary, he maintains that the increased bodily vigor resulting from the participation in these outdoor sports makes a man more effective in his office or store. Bibliography follows:

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