The present postmaster of Saskatoon is Charles W. Heisler, who was born at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, on the 19th of February, 1888, a son of Charles W. and Caroline (Mason) Heisler, natives of the same town. In early life the father became apprenticed to the ship caulker's trade and has since followed it, being actively identified with it at the present time, although he is seventy-four years of age. Mrs. Heisler died on the 29th of December, 1922, in her eightieth year. In the acquirement of his education Charles W. Heisler attended the public schools of his birthplace and was graduated from the Lunenburg Academy. He then made his initial step into t~he business world, becoming an employe of a drug and stationery store for several years. Subsequently he became identified with the post office in his native town and after three years of service in that connection, he resigned his position and came west on a harvest excursion in 1910. He was engaged in threshing around Saskatoon until about November of that year and then accepted a position as money order clerk in the local post office. On the 1st of January, 1917, he was made assistant postmaster of the Saskatoon office and on the 1st of July, 1920, was promoted to the office of postmaster. He is now active in this important capacity and has indeed proven to be the right man for the place. He has inaugurated many movements resulting in better mail service and discharges all duties with efficiency and dispatch. He enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who- know him. On the 31st of May, 1915, Mr. Heisler was married to Miss Elizabeth MacKenzie Reid, a daughter of David and Elizabeth (MacKenzie) Reid, the former a native of Scotland, and the latter of Teeswater, Ontario. When a boy Mr. Reid came to Canada with his parents and finally located at Haitney, Manitoba, and followed agricultural pursuits for a number of years, becoming successful. He was residing on the home place at the time of his death on the 22d of December, 1922. Mrs. Reid died on the 9th of January, 1892. Mr. and Mrs. Heisler have two children: Mary Grace, born on the 14th of June, 1916; and Jack Reid, born on the 31st of May, 1918. Mrs. Heisler is a woman of culture and refinement and she maintains an active interest in club and social circles. The religious faith of Mr. Heisler is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a consistent member of the Westminster Presbyterian church, to the support of which he is a generous contributor. Fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Heisler is essentially public- spirited and as a member of the Rotary Club is actively interested in the welfare of his home city. He is also an active member of the Board of Trade. For recreation he turns to the great outdoors and is particularly interested in baseball and hockey. Bibliography follows:

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