Dr. James Henry Skaling is enjoying an extensive practice in Suth- erland and is numbered among this town's foremost citizens. He was born at Mt. Vernon, Washington, on the 12th of October, 1890, a son of Arthur H. and Avalena (McCulloch) Skaling, natives of Nova Scotia. For a number of years the father engaged in the mercantile ~usiness in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Mt. Vernon. He is now retired from active business life and is making his home in Enderby, British Colum- bia. Mrs. Skaling died in January, 1921. In the pursuit of his education James Henry Skaling attended the public schools of his birthplace and also those in Vancouver. He was a student at Columbia College, New Westminster, British Columbia, and upon the completion of his course there entered the Manitoba Medical College at Winnipeg, graduating therefrom with the class of 1921. For one year he served as an interne in the Vancouver General Hospital and likewise spent one year in the Misericordia Hospital at Winnipeg. In October of the year 1921 he came to Sutherland and bought out the practice of Dr. J. S. Brown. He has since practiced here and. has won a place for himself among the foremost physicians and surgeons of this part of the province. In October, 1921, Dr. Skaling was married to Miss Luella V. Mow- bray, a daughter of Ralph B. and Isabella V. Mowbray, natives of the province of Ontario. Mr. Mowbray has engaged in the machinery busi- ness all of his life and is now living in Lucan, Ontario. His wife has passed away. Dr. Skaling is medical health officer for Sutherland and is local sur- geon for the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and along strictly professional lines he is connected with the Saskatchewan Medical Association and the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine. He is registered in Manitoba and the British possessions. The Doctor gives his political allegiance to the Progressive party and his religious faith is that of the Methodist church. During the World war he managed all of the vegetable evaporating plants throughout British Columbia. He is a man of genial and pleasing per- sonality and has made many friends, both in and out of the profession. Bibliography follows:

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