James 0. Begg, barrister and solicitor and senior member of the firm of Begg & Hays of Swift Current, has come to his present position solely through his own merit. He is one of the members of the provincial bar whose earnest labor and ability has won recognition and secured his con- tinuous advancement. Mr. Begg was born in St. Thomas, Ontario, on the 7th of September, 1886, a son of George and Mary Begg. The father has engaged in farming in Ontario for many years and has been grati- fyingly successful. Mr. and Mrs. Begg are highly esteemed and respect- ed citizens of the community in which they reside. In the pursuit of his education James 0. Begg attended the public schools of his birthplace and subsequently took up the study of law in Osgoode Hall. Prior to his enrollment in that institution he was a student at the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute. In 1910 he was graduated from Osgoode Hall and started to practice law at Hamilton, Ontario, remain- ing there until March, 1911, when he came to Swift Current. He has. continued to practice bere and enjoys an extensive and representative clientele. For some time Mr. Begg was associated in practice with Judge Smyth, the firm being known as Smyth & Begg; That association was formed in 1911 and continued until Mr. Smyth was appointed Judge of the District Court, which office he now holds. Subsequently Mr. Begg formed a partnership with a Mr. Hays and is senior member of the well known firm of Begg~& Hays. Mr. Begg has always been interested in local affairs and for four years he served on the school board. He is in hearty sympathy with, and his cooperation can always be counted upon in the furtherance of, any movement for the benefit of Swift Current and the development of its growth along progressive and substantial lines. Fraternally he is identi- fied with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Py- thias, and he is readily conceded to be an exemplary member of the Masonic craft. Mr. Begg is an active member of the Kiwanis Club, which body is composed of Swift Current's representative citizens. Bibliography follows:

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