Since 1919 John Gordon Robertson has been provincial Live Stock Commissioner and he maintains offices in the Parliament building, Regina. He was born in Pictou county, Nova Scotia, on the 1st of September, 1890, a son of Robert S. and Jessie (McHardy) Robertson, likewise na- tives of that county in Nova Scotia. Both paternal and maternal grand- parents were born in Nova Scotia, of Scotch descent, their ancestors having emigrated to Nova Scotia about 1773. Robert S. Robertson has engaged in farming all of his life and has been successful in his labors. His wife is deceased. They had one child, John Gordon, whose name introduces this review. The religious faith of the Robertson family is that of the Presbyterian church, in which the father is a zealous church worker. During her life Mrs. Robertson was also active in church work. In the pursuit of his education John Gordon Robertson attended the Churchville public school and was graduated from the New Glasgow high school in 1906. He took a four-year agricultural course in McDonald College and in 1911 he lead the winning stock judging team at Chicago "International." He graduated from McGill University with the B. S. A. degree, with honors, in 1912, and came to Saskatchewan the same year and accepted a position as live stock manager for a fourteen-thousand- acre farm near Davidson. A year later he was promoted to be general manager of the farm. He was holding that position upon the outbreak of the Great war and soon resigned to enter the service of his country. He went overseas with the One Hundred and Ninety-fifth Battalion in 1916 and was subsequently transferred to the Forty-fourth, with the rank of lieutenant. He was seriously wounded at Vimy Ridge and was for two years confined in a hospital in England. While there he became well acquainted with Lord and Lady Carnarvon. He returned to Canada in 1918 and was connected with the Soldiers Settlement Board for a short time, opening up offices for that board in Halifax, St. John and Charlottetown. On the 1st of May, 1919, he accepted his present position as Live Stock Commissioner of the province. Mr. Robertson is sincerely devoted to his duties and he has a staff of twenty-four people under his control. He has the genius for making friends, and commands confidence and esteem. In addition to his duties as Live Stock Commissioner Mr. Robertson is secretary of four provincial associations: The Saskatchewan Horse Breeders Association, the Saskatchewan Cattle Breeders Asociation, the Saskatchewan Sheep Breeders Association and the Saskatchewan Swine Breeders Association. These organizations do a lot of work in many ways and Mr. Robertson has had to travel even to Great Britain and Denmark on their work. He is also secretary of the Saskatchewan Stal- lion Board and of the Saskatchewan Live Stock Board, and a director of the Regina Exhibition, so that his time is fully occupied. Mr. Robertson takes a keen interest in all that pertains to his profession and is a director of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists. As a returned soldier he is a member of the Great War Veterans Association and is also a member of St. Andrew's Society, the Canadian Club and various other organizations. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order. In 1916 Mr. Robertson was married to Miss Lydia A. Paulson, a native of Minnesota, United States of America. She received her educa- tion in Red Wing College of that state. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson have two children: Robert Gordon, a student in the public schools; and Jessie Lucille, three years of age. Mr. Robertson attends the Knox Presbyterian church. He is essentially public-spirited and is ever cognizant of the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship and to that end is ever ready to lend his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. Bibliography follows:

JOHN GORDON ROBERTSON family update, September 25, 2014.

At the time of the writing of the book, Saskatchewan and Its People, in 1924, the family of John Gordon Robertson, had two children. This biography published by John Hawkes is written as shown above.

From an update sent in by Colin Robertson, the grandson of John Gordon Robertson, further information has been provided on the family. "A third child, Ronald Neil Robertson, the father of Colin Robertson was born in 1930. Both of his sons (born in Regina, I believe) went on to become Oxford Rhodes Scholars, my uncle, Gordon served as head of the Privy Council, serving under five prime ministers. My own father, Ronald Neil Robertson, culminated his law career as Chairman of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). So both of some note."

Colin Robertson has sent in links of interest to this family for further information pertaining to this family, and their outstanding contributions.

The elder son of John Gordon Robertson was (Robert) Gordon Robertson:
The Gordon Robertson obituary is on CBC Radio Canada. A biography has been written on wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on a dedicated public servant, Robert Gordon Robertson P.C C.C F.R.S.C (May 19, 1917 – January 15, 2013) . CTV news published Former Privy Council Clerk Gordon Robertson Dies on January 16, 2013. His biography is on the Government of Canada website, Clerk of the Privy Council >> Robert Gordon Robertson The book Memoirs of a Very Civil Servant: Mackenzie King to Pierre Trudeau (University of Toronto Press, 2000ISBN 080204445X, 9780802044457) is an autobiographical book written of his career as a prominent Canadian civil servant. From the newsroom of the Carleton University, is the tribute written on Thursday, January 17, 2013, Carleton Mourns the Passing of Former Chancellor Gordon Robertson, P.C., C.C., LL.D., F.R.S.C, D.C.L.

John Gordon Robertson's youngest son was Ronald Neil Robertson:
Fife House Foundation honoured the memory of Ronald Robertson (1930 - 2011) and Wellesley Central Residences Inc WCRI established the Ron Robertson Enhancement Fund in recognition of the greatly appreciated public service contributions Ron Robertson made to the community enhancing the quality of life. Ronald Robertson dedicated a life of service to law after he was called to the bar in 1957, serving as lawyer, Chairman of the CDIC, and Vice Chairman of the Wellesley Institute.

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