Dr. Lorne Hansel McConnell is a prominent and successful surgeon of Saskatoon, with offices in the Bowerman block. He was born in Winni- peg, on the 16th of January, 1889, a son of John Henry and Minnie Maria (Brown) McConnell, the former a native of Granton and the latter of Winchelsea, Ontario. For many years the father was in the grain business at Hamiota, Manitoba, and he also conducted an implement business and was an auctioneer for thirty years. He was well known not only in commercial circles but in political circles as well and was a member of parliament for that district, serving about ten years. He was always a stanch supporter of the Liberal party and the principles for which it stands. In the pursuit of his education Lorne Hansel McConnell attended the public schools of Hamiota and in due time was graduated from high school at Brandon. He then entered the Manitoba Medical College and was graduated from that institution with the M. D., C. M. degree in 1912. The same year he came to Saskatoon and has since practiced here. He was enjoying a fine practice upon the outbreak of the Great war but being very patriotic he did not let personal interests interfere with duty and he enlisted in the service of his country, going overseas in 1917. For a time he was stationed at the Orthopedic Hospital in London, England, and he held the rank of captain. Later he went to France and then served in Germany with the Army of Occupation for seven months fol- lowing the signing of the armistice. He received his honorable discharge from the army in July, 1919, and returned to Saskatoon and resumed his practice. In Minneapolis, on the 21st of June, 1916, Dr. McConnell was married to Miss Alma Marie Engen, who was born in Norway, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nicoline Engen, likewise natives of that country, who never came to the United States. Mrs. Engen is living but Mr. Engen died in Norway in 1907. To Dr. and Mrs. McConnell two children have been born: Frederick Lorne, whose birth occurred on the 18th of December, 1917; and Lucille Marie, born on the 24th of May, 1920. The political allegiance of Dr. McConnell is given to the man best fitted for the posi- tion, regardless of party. He is essentially public-spirited and is ever ready to support those measures which make for the progress of his community. He was reared in the faith of the Presbyterian church. Along strictly professional lines the Doctor holds membership in the Canadian Medical Association, the Saskatchewan Medical Association and the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine. Socially he is identified with the Saskatoon Golf Club and he is president of the Saskatoon Gun Club and vice president of the District Shoot which will be held at Saskatoon in July and in which the crack shots from Manitoba and Saskatchewan and also from the States will compete. The Doctor himself is a crack shot. While attending medical school he received the Hutchinson Gold Medal and the Silver Medal award by the lieutenant governor of the province. Bibliography follows:

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