Since 1912 Roy E. Alexander has engaged in the practice of law in
Gull Lake and he is a very successful barrister and solicitor. He was born
in Norfolk, Ontario, on the 31st of January, 1881, a son of George and
Martha (Knowles) Alexander, pioneer farmers of that province. Mrs.
Alexander is still living but Mr. Alexander has passed away.
Roy E. Alexander received his preliminary education in the public
schools of Ontario and in due time was graduated from high school.
His boyhood ambition was to become a barrister and subsequently he en-
rolled in Osgoode Hall, for the study of law, and was graduated from that
institution with the LL. B. degree in 1910. Mr. Alexander started prac-
ticing at once, locating at Mitchell, Ontario, where he remained until the
1st of February, 1912. He achieved substantial success in the practice
of law from the start and he was soon seeking a larger field of activity.
He came to Saskatchewan and located at Moose Jaw, where he formed
a partnership with a Mr. Knowles. Mr. Alexander had been admitted
to the Ontario Bar Association in 1910 and to the Saskatchewan Bar
Association in 1912. In June of the year 1912 he came to Gull Lake and
has since resided here, having built up an extensive and representative
clientele, and he handles much important litigation before the courts.
He is a constant student of his profession and well merits the position
he occupies among the foremost barristers and solicitors of the town
and province.
In June, 1918, Mr. Alexander was married to Miss Evelyn Ma~
Bacbett, a native of Toronto, and they have a son, Robert. Mr. Alex-
ander is greatly interested in the general welfare of Gull Lake and takes
an active part in all measures for reform and progress. His religious
faith is that of the Presbyterian church and fraternally he is identified
with the Masons.
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