For many years James Sanders has been identified with the grain
interests of Saskatchewan, and he is now buyer for Lake of the Woods,
Limited, at Whitewood. He was born in England and left his native
country in 1872. For eight years he resided in Ontario and in 1880 went
to the United States and homesteaded in South Dakota, remaining on that
land for three years. In 1883 he returned to western Canada, and in
1885 located in Regina and operated the first mill in that city. He later
removed to Virden, Manitoba, and there entered into partnership with a
well known miller, an association he had maintained for three years
when they were burned out. In the year 1892 he came to Whitewood and
purchased a mill here, which also burned to the ground. Mr. Sanders
has owned wheat elevators at various times, and he is one of the oldest
grain men in this province. His advice and counsel are frequently sought.
He is now grain buyer for Lake of the Woods, Limited, which concern
purchased his grain elevator at Whitewood. Mr. Sanders is also an ex-
tensive landowner.
Mr. Sanders married Miss Kate McDougal, a native of Middlesex dis-
trict, Ontario, and they have a daughter, who is now Mrs. McGachen of
Regina. Mr. Sanders is a prominent member of the Winnipeg Grain
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