One of the foremost surgeons in Saskatoon and the district and prov- ince is Dr. Hugh E. Munroe, senior member of the well known firm of Munroe & Macdonald. He was born in Glengarry district, Ontario, on the 16th of June, 1878, a son of William and Janet (McEwen) Munroc, natives of Scotland, who came to Canada when very young and were married here. For many years the father engaged in the manufacture of cheese in Ontario and built sixty cheese factories in Russell district, Ontario. In 1908 he retired from active business life and moved to Edmonton, where he was living at the time of his death, in November, 1921, at the age of eighty-six years. Mrs. Munroe survives him and continues to reside in Edmonton, being in the best of health at the age of eighty-seven years. In the pursuit of his education Hugh E. Munroe attended the public and high schools of his native district and subsequently enrolled in McGill University, from which institution he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1903. He then went to Edinburgh, Scotland, and the degree of Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons was conferred upon him in the same year. In January, 1904, he came to Saskatoon, the population at that time being some four or five hundred, and he has since practiced here. He has built up a gratifying patronage and is readily conceded to be one of the representative medical practitioners in the province. On the 28th of August, 1914, Dr. Munroe went overseas with the Canadian army, for service in the Great war. He was commissioned a captain in the Medical Corps and for the first six months served in that capacity. At the termination of that time he was promoted to the rank of major and served throughout the Dardenelles campaign. Subse- quently he was made lieutenant colonel and was awarded the Order of the British Empire for distinguished service, and was mentioned in dispatches three times. In 1916 he returned to Saskatchewan and took the Sas- katchewan Hospital Unit to France, remaining in that country until the close of the war. Dr. Munroe received his honorable discharge on the 19th of June, 1919, and immediately returned to Saskatoon and formed a partnership with Dr. Macdonald, extended mention of whom is made on another page of this work. The firm is Munroe & Macdonald and they stand high in the medical profession. Dr. Munroe specializes in surgery. On the 16th of August, 1905, Dr. Munroe was married to Miss Myrtle Brown, and they have two children: William R., born on the 12th of March, 1906; and Maxine M., born on the 30th of November, 1912. Since attaining his majority the Doctor has given his political en- dorsement to the Conservative party and the principles for which it stands. He was a member of the first city council here, serving in that capacity for three years, and assisted in drawing up the charter for the incorporation of the town. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and holds membership in the Wawa Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Regina. From 1907 to 1914 the Doctor was chairman of the City Hos- pital board. Along strictly professional lines he is identified with the Canadian Medical Society, the Saskatchewan Medical Society and the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine, and he is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. The religious faith of Dr. Munroe is that of the Presbyterian church. Socially he holds membership in the Saskatoon Club, the Canadian Club, the Riverside Country Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club. Bibliography follows:

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