One of the leading citizens of Davidson, Saskatchewan, is Henry C.
Arnold, jeweler and mayor, who was born in England, on the 14th of
August, 1885, a son of Henry F. J. and Mary G. (Cumming) Arnold, who
reside on the Isle of Wight, where they are highly respected and esteemed
In the pursuit of his education Henry C. Arnold attended the schools
of his native country. He was a student at the college in Devonshire and
at Mount St. Mary near Chesterfield, England. He came to Canada in
1903 and located first in Manitoba, where his brother was living. Four
years later he came to Davidson. In 1912 he engaged in the jewelry busi-
ness and has built up an extensive and lucrative trade. He employs the
best principles of honesty and integrity in all of his transactions, and
enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him. He has always
been active in local affairs and for seven years was a member of the town
council. For eight years he served on the school board and in 1923 he
was elected mayor of Davidson.
In Brandon in 1905, Mr. Arnold was married to Miss Tessie O'Flynn,
a native of Ireland, and they have three children: Raymond, Harold, and
Deimor. The religious faith of Mr. Arnold is that of the English church.
Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and in 1912 he served as
master of the local lodge. He has ever been appreciative of the social
amenities of life and possesses the genius for making and keeping friends.
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