Edwin S. Glasgow, president of the Glasgow Lumber Company, lo- cated at the corner of Albert and Tenth streets, Regina, is one of the younger business men of Regina who is forging ahead to a desirable place in the commercial life of the city. He was born in Clinton, Ontario, on the 15th of June, 1889, son of George and Susan (Bingham) Glasgow, but as he was only three Years of age when his parents moved to North Dakota, he obtained his education in the public and high schools of that state. A native of Lockport, New York, his father was a manufacturer of threshing machines in his early life and after going to North Dakota was connected with the grain elevator business. He now resides in Spokane, Washington. His wife is a Canadian by birth, a native of On- tario. They are both active members of the Presbyterian church and Mr. Glasgow is a thirty-second degree Mason. When he was living in Canada he gave his support to the Liberal party. Edwin S. Glasgow was the third in the family of four children born to George and Susan Glasgow, three of whom are living. After he had completed his education he learned the drug business in North Dakota and followed that occupation for about three years and a half. In 1906 he came to Saskatchewan, where he bought land in the Goose Creek district, which he farmed for three years. This time he located in Regina, securing the position of manager of the Security Lumber Com- pany, with which he was connected until July, 1921. At that time he resigned his position to enter into business for himself. In partnership with G. C. Ingram he formed the Glasgow Lumber Company, of which he is president and Mr. Ingram is secretary and treasurer. The firm handles all kinds of supplies for building and has made a very satisfac- tory beginning on what is expected to be a long and prosperous career. In 1916 Mr. Glasgow was married to Miss Ella Black, who was born in Iowa, United States of America. They have become the parents of two daughters: Georgia and Shirley. The religious connections of the family are with the Presbyterian church. Mr. Glasgow is a Mason, be- longing to Banner Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; the Royal Arch chapter, Knights Templars, and he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is also affiliated with the Knights of Pythias, the Rotary Club and the Wascana Country Club of this city. Among the sports he is partial to shooting and base- ball. Mr. Glasgow is the typical young western business man, full of energy, confidence in the future and his power to cope with the ordinary contingencies of commercial life, and his career in the lumber businesshas been marked by a steady progress. Bibliography follows:

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