A dominant factor in the success of Bowman Brothers, Limited, wholesale automotive supplies, is Roy H. Bowman, secretary-treasurer of the concern. He was born in Yale, Michigan, on the 6th of May, 1892, a son of Rev. Benjamin U. and Rachael (Hallman) Bowman, further mention of whom is made in the sketch of Aden Bowman, to be found elsewhere in this work. In the pursuit of his early education Roy H. Bowman attended the public schools of his birthplace and in due time was graduated from the high school at Brown City, Michigan. In 1912 he came to Saskatchewan and located at Yorkton, where he was an employe [sic] of the Yorkton Fruit & Produce Company until the 1st of March, 1913. At that time he re- signed his position and came to Saskatoon, joining his brothers in the conduct of Bowman Brothers, wholesale automotive supplies. He be- came secretary-treasurer of the firm and has continued in that important capacity. He is sincerely devoted to the business and has been a domi- nant factor in its continued and wonderful growth. The firm has a hand- some building on Twentieth street, East, Saskatoon, and maintains branch offices in Regina, on Cornwall street. It employs eight sales- men, including two city salesmen, one of whom is located at Saskatoon and the other at Regina. The Saskatoon office gives employment to twenty-five, while the Regina department has a staff of twenty efficient employes.[sic] On the 9th of October, 1918, Mr. Bowman was married to Miss Mil- dred Hamilton and they have one child: Gordon Douglas, whose birth occurred on the 19th of January, 1922. In his political views Mr. Bow- man is a Liberal and he maintains an active interest in party affairs. He is an active member of the local Board of Trade and is on the executive committee of the Canadian Club. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, holding membership in Imperial Lodge No. 60. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Socially he is identified with the Riverside Country Club. Mr. Bowman is active in all movements for the upbuilding of Saskatoon and is numbered among this city's foremost business men and representative citizens. Bibliography follows:

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