George C. Rooke, a public accountant of Regina, with offices in the
Leader building, was born in England, but as he has lived in Saskatchewan
ever since he was seven years old, he may almost be considered one of
the native sons of the province. The son of William and Isabella (Athey)
Rooke, natives of England, he was born in 1883. His father was a public
Accountant in his native country, but after coming to Saskatchewan in
1890 he bought a farm in the District of Assiniboia, on which he and
his family resided for years. He finally retired and moved to Winnipeg,
where he and his wife now make their home. Before coming to Canada,
Mr. Rooke was choirmaster in the Anglican church, of which he and his
wife are members, so after taking up his residence in Winnipeg it was
with genuine pleasure that he became choirmaster in his church in that
city. There were eight sons in the Rooke family, seven of whom are
living: l~. Stanley of Winnipeg, credit manager for Cassidy's, Limited;
Charles W., of South Africa, an officer of the Central South African Rail-
way, who went out to South Africa at the time of the Boer war and has
been there ever since; Robert T., also a veteran of the Boer war, who is
now employed in the offices of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Winnipeg;
John W., who is living on the home farm near Saltcoats; George C., of
this review; A. Gordon, who is operating a poultry farm at North Van-
couver; and Victor, who is also on his father's farm.
George C. Rooke was educated in the public schools of Saskatchewan
and continued his studies by taking an extension course in the University
of Saskatchewan, leading to the Bachelor of Accounting degree. His
first position was with the big machinery company of Frost & Wood, with
whom he was associated for a number of years as an accountant. He
severed his connections with this firm to accept a position as accountant
for the Leader Company of Regina, for whom he worked from 1908 to
1912. In the latter year he started out in business for himself as a public
accountant and has continued as such to the present time. He has built
up an excellent patronage that takes him to all parts of the province.
He gives all of his time and energy to meet the demands of his constantly
increasing business, on which he concentrates his efforts.
Mr. Rooke was married in 1909 to Miss Irene M. Boyce, who was born
in England, but grew to womanhood and received her education in Winni-
peg. The Rookes have one child, a son, George N., who is eleven years
old. The family is affiliated with St. Paul's Anglican church. Mr. Rooke
is a member of the Assiniboia Club and the Wascana Country Club of
Regina. He seeks his exercise and outdoor recreation in golf, but his
special hobby is the work of the Rotary Club, of which he is now presi-
dent. In this association of representative business and professional men
Mr. Rooke sees vast possibilities for a harmonious development along
economic, civic and cultural lines, not only in this one city, but through-
out all the countries where the Rotary movement has gained strength.
He has given himself whole-heartedly to the work and as a result has
been a vital influence in making the locaL organization a power for prog-
ress and reform in Regina.
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