The city of Moose Jaw is remarkably fortunate in having as its en-
gineer-commissioner an expert engineer who is thoroughly trained in all
problems of city water supplies and sewerage systems. This person is
George Douglas Mackie, city engineer-commissioner of Moose Jaw since
1914. Mr. Mackie had been associated with various extensive engineering
projects in Canada for four years before he came to Moose Jaw and pre-
vious to his coming to the Dominion had a wide experience in Scotland,
in the course of which he became familiar with the best known water-
works of Europe. He is, therefore, exceptionally competent in his line of
work and well qualified to plan for the future extension of the municipal
water and sewerage systems as well as to oversee their operation at the
present time.
George Douglas Mackie was born in Perth, Scotland, on the 8th of
March, 1878, the son of James and Jane Mackie. He obtained his educa.
tion in the Perth Academy and the West of Scotland Technical College
His first practical experience and much of his technical training
acquired in the city municipal offices of Perth, where he was employed
from 1893 to 1899. He became town engineer for Crieff, Scotland, in
1900 and five years later made a long step forward in his profession by
becoming engineer for the Clydebank and District Water Trust of Clyde-
bank, Scotland. During the four years that he held this position he had
charge of some extensive improvements and additions to this system,
including the carrying out of a hundred-thousand-dollar project for the
extensions to the water mains. He visited all of the slow and rapid water
filtration plants of Britain and in connection with the laying of some five
miles of reinforced concrete water mains, fifteen inches in diameter, he
went to France to see the progress that had been made by engineers of
that country in this type of water main. It was in 1910 that Mr. Mackie
first came to the Dominion and became associated with the John Galt
Engineering Company, with which he remained until 1912. While he
was connected with the firm he carried out the waterworks supply for
Coldwater, Ontario; completed some road work for Wetaskiwin, Alberta;
put in the sewers and did the street grading for Red Deer, Alberta; in-
stalled a sewerage system and water supply works for Gleichen, Alberta;
and put in the sewerage system and sewerage disposal works for Cran-
brook, British Columbia. Mr. Mackie accepted the position of city en-
gineer for Swift Current in 1912 and two years later came to Moose Jaw
as city engineer-commissioner. The rapid progress the city of Moose
Jaw has made in the past ten years in maintaining a system of water
supply and sewerage disposal that will adequately meet the needs of a
rapidly increasing population, is convincing evidence of the fact that
Mr. Mackie is the right man for his place. His appointment to the Royal
commission to inquire into the construction of roads and bridges in the
province of Saskatchewan is a fitting tribute to his ability as an engineer
and a graceful recognition of his efficient work along this particular line.
Mr. Mackie was married in l902-long before he left his native land
to Miss Mary Carnegie, daughter of John Carnegie of Edinburgh. Mr.
and Mrs. Mackie are the parents of two sons: Douglas, a lad of sixteen;
and Victor, aged six. In connection with his profession Mr. Mackie is
a member of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers of Lon-
don, England, and an associate member of the Engineering Institute of
Canada. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Fra-
ternally he is a Mason, having taken degrees in the blue lodge. Since
coming to Moose Jaw he has been admitted to membership in the Prairie
Club, where he has formed many pleasant associations of a social nature.
As an amateur photographer Mr. Mackie is deserving of special mention,
for he has spent a great deal of his leisure time in the pursuit of this art,
with highly gratifying results. Some of his camera studies lose nothing
by comparison with those of the best professional photographers, while
in going about the country he has been able to secure an unusual variety
of interesting subjects.
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