Prominent in legal and educational circles of Canada is Elton B. Hutcherson, well known citizen of Kerrobert, where he is now devoting his entire time and attention to his duties as a barrister. He was born in Dartford, county of East Northumberland, Ontario, on the 20th of May, 1872, a son of William and Phoebe (Stickle) Hutcherson, the former a native of Brighton and the latter of Dartford, Ontario. William Hutcher son farmed throughout his active life in Northumberland county. He retired in 1908, and is now residing in Brighton, at the age of eighty-one years. Mrs. Hutcherson is eighty-two years of age. In the pursuit of his education Elton B. Hutcherson attended the rural schools in the vicinity of the home farm and was graduated from high school at Norwood, Ontario. He received his higher education in the Universities of Victoria and Toronto and was graduated from the latter institution with the B. A. degree in 1893, and with the M. A. degree four years later. He specialized in English, science and mathematics and in the spring of 1894 he entered the School of Pedagogy at Toronto and pro- cured his professional inspector's and high school teacher's certificates. On the 1st of September of that year he came west and located at Re- gina, where he accepted a position as assistant principal of the high school. He was active in that capacity five years and was principal for two years. He was then appointed inspector of schools by the government of the Northwest Territories and held that position until 1908, under the gov- ernment of the province of Saskatchewan, when he was made the first superintendent of Regina public schools. When he accepted that posi- tion the staff numbered twelve teachers and since then it has been en- larged as increased enrollment demanded. Mr. Hutcherson brought the number up to one hundred and twenty-five. He was not only the first superintendent in the city of Regina but the first in the province. Most of the schools in Regina at the present time were built during his admin- istration. He was sincerely devoted to his work as an educator and was ever oil the alert for ways in which to improve the system of that day. He introduced the teaching of music, the school nursing system, the man- ual training and domestic science departments, and had special rooms set aside for the instruction of the mentally deficient. In 1912 Mr. Hutcherson resigned his duties as superintendent and entered a school for the study of law. He was called to the bar of the province of Saskatchewan in November, 1915, and commenced the prac- tice of law in Regina as a member of the firm of Casey, Dawson & Hutch- erson. In 1917 he withdrew from the firm and came to Kerrobert, where he has continued to practice. He has been crown prosecutor for the Kerrobert Judicial District since taking up residence in this community. In July, 1900, Mr. Hutcherson was married to Miss Marion A. McLach- lan, a daughter of James C. and Mary (McLeod) McLachlan, the former a native of Barry and the latter of Lindsay, Ontario. Mr. McLachlan came west at an early day and was the first agent of the Massey-Harris Company at Regina. That was prior to the outbreak of the Riel Rebel- lion. He continued to reside there until 1913, when he took up residence in Edmonton, Alberta, where his death occurred in December of the year 1915. His widow still resides in Edmonton, and is seventy-four years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Hutcherson have a son: E. Beverly, who was born on the 26th of March, 1902. He is studying law with his father and taking a combined law and arts course in the University of Saskatchewan. Mr. Hutcherson has always given his political allegiance to the Liberal party and maintains an active interest in civic affairs. He is a member of the local school board and is a progressive and cooperant factor in public advancement. He is a member of the Dominion, Saskatchewan and Kerobert Bar Associations and fraternally is identified with the Masons. He is past master of Wascana Lodge of Regina, which lodge was one of first organized in the Northwest Territories. Socially he is connected the Kerrobert Golf Club and the Curling Club, and he is interested in all outdoor sports. Mr. Hutcherson is a consistent member of the Presby- terian church and is chairman of the board of managers of the Union Presbyterian church of Kerrobert. Bibliography follows:

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