In the field of political life and business activity Andrew MacBeth
has won distinction and today is numbered among the leading, influential
and honored citizens of Regina. He possesses the enterprising spirit of
the west, which has been the dominant factor in producing the wonderful
development of this section of the country. Brooking no obstacles that
honest effort can overcome, he has steadily worked his way upward until,
having long since left the ranks of the many, he stands today among the
successful few.
Andrew MacBeth is a native of Ontario, his birth having occurred
in Bruce county, on the 27th of August, 1875, his parents being James
and Martha (Aikins) MacBeth. His mother, a cousin of Jan Aikins,
lieutenant governor of Manitoba, was born in Ontario, where she grew
to womanhood and was married. The father came to Canada with his
people from Scotland when he was eighteen years old and lived in Ontario
the rest of his life. A farmer by occupation, he also did an extensive busi-
ness in tan bark and timber. A Mason in his fraternal affiliations, a
strong Liberal in politics and a consistent and active member of the Pres-
byterian church, James MacBeth led a life characterized by its unflagging
industry, honesty of purpose and loyalty to the high standards of his re-
ligion. He was the father of four children, two sons and two daughters:
Malcolm, publisher of the Milverton (Ontario) Sun and postmaster of
that town; Mrs. John Schafer of Regina; Andrew, of this review; and an
unmarried daughter, Miss Nellie, of Regina.
Andrew MacBeth spent his boyhood on his father's farm, attending
the near-by country schools, where he obtained an elementary education
that he rounded out by a course in the Walkerton high school. Immedi-
ately after completing his high school course he qualified for a second
grade certificate and taught for three years, following which he went to
Stratford and Galt, Ontario, and having obtained a first class certificate
there became principal of the Milverton Continuation School. He re-
mained in Milverton for a year, but continued in his educational work
until he had taught for a total period of ten years. During this time he
was principal of the Stratford high school, the largest in the province,
and he was a member of the collegiate board during his residence in that
When Mr. MacBeth gave up his teaching it was to enter the life insur-
ance business. He came to Regina in 1908, as manager of the life depart-
ment of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada and has held that
position ever since. In the fifteen years that he has been working the
insurance field in this city, Mr. MacBeth has built the business of his
company up from the very bottom, through his organizing ability and
wise foresight. As it now regularly employs from fifty to sixty agents
he is kept very busy and finds that he has a wide scope for his powers and
energies. Judged merely by material standards, his career in this line
of work has been successful, for he owns a considerable amount of valu-
able city property in Regina and some two thousand acres of agricultural
land. As a sort of side interest he has built a number of houses from
time to time, for sale in the real estate market, which have brought him
a gratifying financial return for his labors.
Outside of his business interests Mr. MacBeth is best known in his
adopted city for his work in political circles, in which he has taken a
conspicuous part. For the two-year period, 1917 to 1918, he served on
the city council, which was a time of unusual activity on the part of that
body. During the same term of office he sat with the board of the en-
eral Hospital. He stood for election to the Federal House in the election
of December, 1917, running as the Liberal candidate, but was defeated.
At present he is a member of the school board for the 1923-1924 term
and chairman of the finance committee of that body. As a public speaker
Mr. MacBeth is very effective, so he has been able to render his party
some valuable service as platform orator, in behalf of its various candi-
dates for office.
Mr. MacBeth is not married. His religious faith is indicated by his
membership in the Knox Presbyterian church and he holds high rank in
the Masonic fraternity, being past master of Royal North West Mounted
Police Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; a Knight Templar; and a charter member
of the Shrine of Regina.
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