A prominent member of the legal profession in Regina is William R.
Kinsman, who is practicing independently. He was born in Nova Scotia
in 1893, a son of Frederick S. and Ella (Rice) Kinsman, likewise natives
of Nova Scotia, where they spent their lives. In early life the father
entered the dental profession and practiced for some Years. Later he
specialized in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and won distinc-
tion in that branch of the profession. He received a liberal and thorough
education, acquiring his literary education in Nova Scotia and his medical
training in England. He was a writer of some note, contributed to many
medical journals, and wrote a number of verses to children, etc. The
Doctor was a Liberal in politics and an active supporter of the party.
To Dr. and Mrs. Kinsman two children were born: William R., whose
name introduces this review; and Ella, who is a nurse in Vancouver.
The public schools of Nova Scotia afforded William R. Kinsman his
early education and for two years he was a student in a private church
school. He enrolled in Acadia University at Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and
was graduated from that institution with the B. A. degree in 1913. He
then enrolled in the Dalhousie Law School and that institution conferred
the LL. B. degree upon him in 1915. He was called to the bar the same
year and in June, 1915, was admitted to the Saskatchewan bar. He was on
a salary with Justice Bigelow until March, 1918, at the time Mr. Bigelow
accepted his present position as justice, and he then entered into partner-
ship with F. W. Turnbull. That association was maintained until April,
1922, since which time Mr. Kinsman has practiced alone. He has built
up an extensive and representative clientele and handles much important
litigation before the courts.
In 1919 Mr. Kinsman was married to Grace E. Blenkhorn, who was
born in Canning, Nova Scotia. She received her education in a public
school there and was graduated from Acadia University with the B. A.
degree. She taught school for a year prior to her marriage. Mr. and
Mrs. Kinsman have one child: Frederick B. The religious faith of Mr.
Kinsman is that of the Methodist church. Fraternally he is identified
with the United Order of Canadians and has held several offices in that
organization. He has been an important factor in legal circles and his
prosperity is well deserved, as in him are embraced the characteristics
of an unbending integrity, unabating energy and industry that never
flags. He is public-spirited to a degree, giving his cooperation to every
movement which tends to promote the moral, intellectual and material
welfare of the community. For recreation Mr. Kinsman turns to outdoor
sports and he is very fond of tennis.
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