Prominent in real estate circles of Regina is William James Allison,
who has made this city his home since 1906. He was born near Exeter,
Ontario, on the 9th of June, 1877. His father was a native of Ayrshire,
Scotland, and his mother of the Orkney Islands. John Allison, his father,
came to Ontario in the early days with his parents and there, in later
years, was united in marriage to Jane Chalmers, who had also been
brought to Canada as ~ child. John Allison spent his entire life as a
farmer and nurseryman in Ontario. He was a Liberal in his political
views and a strong Presbyterian. The subject of this review was the
youngest of ten children, eight of whom are living.
William James Allison was educated in the public schools of Huron
county, near his boyhood home and at the conclusion of his school days
he went to work on the farm, where he remained until he came to this city
in 1906. As a farmer Mr. Allison specialized in the raising of shorthorn
cattle, in which he was very successful and became one of the recognized
authorities on that breed of cattle. His work in stock viewing took him
far from home-to London, England, St. Louis and Chicago, United States
of America-in the interests of the Shorthorn Breeders Association.
Since coming to Regina, Mr. Allison has devoted most of his time to
the real estate business. In 1907 he was associated with D. M. Hackney,
of whom there is an extended account elsewhere in this work. For about
a year Mr. Allison was connected with Steele & Bell, in the inspection and
sale of their lands, following which he spent three seasons in the collec-
tion department of the Cockshutt Plow Company. His next position was
that of secretary for the J. Addison Reid Company, Limited, dealers in
real estate, school and municipal bonds and farm loans. When this con-
cern was amalgamated with the National Fire Insurance Company of
Vancouver, Mr. Allison was retained by the newly formed company in the
position of manager and remained with the two firms for a period of
three years. In 1911 Mr. Allison resigned this post to become associated
with Mr. Brook in the founding of the firm of Brook & Allison to conduct
a business in real estate, bonds, rentals and loans. This concern is now
one of the largest of its kind in the city and does a tremendous volume
cf business.
Mr. Allison was married in 1910, to Miss Jeannette Strong Gardiner,
who was born and educated in the state of Iowa, United States of America.
They have become the parents of two children: John and Jean. Mr. and
Mrs. Allison are members of the Westminster Presbyterian church, with
which Mr. Allison has been closely identified as a member of the board
ever since the church was established. He is also one of the session,
while Mrs. Allison, in the women's organizations of the church, does her
part as an active member. In politics Mr. Allison votes with the Liberal
party. He is secretary of the real estate board and is a loyal supporter
of various civic organizations of worth, among them the Town Planning
Association and the Children's Aid Society, of which he is second vice
president. His favorite recreation is motoring. Mr. Allison is well de-
serving of his position among the enterprising business men and sub-
stantial citizens of his adopted city, for he has not only helped build up a
commercial undertaking that has contributed directly to the development
of the community, but he has also held himself ready at all times to
assist those enterprises of a public and semi-public nature that make for
good government, business prosperity and cultural advancement.
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