Robert H. Kennedy, president of Kennedy Brothers, Limited, a well known wholesale concern, with headquarters in Moose Jaw, was born in Cavan, Ireland, in 1880, a son of George and Eliza (Hetherington) Ken- nedy. He and his younger brother, James, who is mentioned at length elsewhere in this work, are the only two members of a family of seven children to take up residence in the Dominion. The family has been established in Ireland for hundreds of years and both parents were born in Cavan, where they lived and died. The father was a farmer by occu- pation, a Unionist in his political views, and a member of the Orange society. The religious faith of the family was that of the Church of England. After obtaining his education in the national schools of Ireland, Robert H. Kennedy was apprenticed to the dry goods, boot and shoe trade in his own country. In accordance with the custom prevailing in many coun- tries across the Atlantic, he received no salary for his four years of work as an apprentice, but on the contrary had to pay a bounty to get a situa- tion in the firm, so that he could learn the business. When he had served his apprenticeship he was employed by this firm on a salary until 1906, the year that he came to Canada. Arriving in Toronto, the young man secured a place in Eaton's store in Toronto, where he earned twenty- one dollars in the three weeks he was employed there. He spent six more weeks in Toronto, with the Murray-Kay Company, after which he went to Saint Catharines, where he worked from 1906 to 1908. Leaving Saint Catharines, Mr. Kennedy made a trip back home and upon his return to Canada in 1909 came out to Moose Jaw. Mr. Kennedy's first situation in Moose Jaw was with the firm of Mitchell, Hembroff & Maybee. In February, 1912, Mr. Maybee and the Kennedy Brothers bought out the interests of the other members of the firm, which then became Maybee-Kennedy, Limited. A little more than three years later this partnership was dissolved-in May, 1915-and the firm of Kennedy Brothers came into existence. The concern was incor- porated in 1920, with Robert H. Kennedy as president. This house does a wholesale business exclusively, carrying a large line of boots, shoes, rubbers and gentlemen's furnishings of the staple variety. Its territory extends all over the province, which is covered by three traveling sales- men. The aim of the men at the head of the concern has always been to maintain a first-class wholesale service for retail merchants throughout Saskatchewan, by selling them good goods at conservative prices and warranting their satisfaction. The members of the firm have worked hard to build up their trade and now enjoy a patronage that comes only to firms who have demonstrated their reliability by years of successful merchandising. In 1917 Mr. Kennedy was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Hallam, an Englishwoman by birth. They attend the Methodist church and Mr. Kennedy is a thirty-second degree Mason, having taken degrees in both the York and Scottish Rites. He is past master of his lodge and belongs to the Royal Arch chapter. Gardening is his hobby and he obtains re- sults in his small domain that would do credit to any amateur and many a professional gardener. Bibliography follows:

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