The vice president, secretary and general manager of Kennedy Bro-
thers, Limited, of Moose Jaw, is James Kennedy, the younger of the two
brothers whose wholesale house is known by retail dealers in boots and
shoes and men's furnishings, the province over. He was born in Cavan,
Ireland, in November, 1882, and is a son of the late George and Eliza
(Hetherington) Kennedy. Some account of his family history appears on
another page of this work in the sketch of his brother,Robert H.Kennedy.
James Kennedy grew to young manhood in his native land, receiving
his education in the Cavan national school and then learning the boots,
shoes and dry goods business by going to work in an establishment dealing
in this type of wares. Mr. Kennedy first entered the business circles of
Moose Jaw in 1912, when he became associated with his brother and
George A. Maybee in a firm that succeeded Mitchell, Hembroff & Maybee,
under the name of Maybee~Kennedy, Limited, and operated a wholesale
and retail business in boots and shoes, rubbers, and men's furnishings.
This partnership was severed in 1915, at which time Kennedy Brothers
was organized to carry on a wholesale business. The firm was incorpor-
ated in 1920, with Robert H. Kennedy as president, and James as secre-
tary, vice president and general manager. That same year witnessed the
purchase of a building at Nos. 151 and 153 River street, West, to house
the business. This is a two-story and basement structure of brick and
mill construction, admirably adapted to the needs of the firm. The slogan
"Kennedy's Good Goods with Keen Prices and Superior Service Satisfy,"
sums up in a sentence the trade policy of the firm, which has produced
results in terms of a steadily increasing volume of business.
Mr. Kennedy and Miss Susan Margaret Gray were married, on the
5th of June, 1912. Mrs. Kennedy was born in Princeton, Indiana, where
she grew to young womanhood and was educated up to the time she en-
tered the Indiana State University at Bloomington, of which she is an
Like his brother, Mr. Kennedy is identified with the Masonic frater-
nity, being a Royal Arch Mason. He is also a member of the Moose Jaw
Kiwanis Club, in whose work he has taken an enthusiastic part and was
formerly treasurer of the club. His accomplishments in the past ten
years or more entitle Mr. Kennedy to a high place among the younger
business men of Moose Jaw and he may confidently look forward to a
future as full of promise as his past has been of achievement.
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