David W. Houston, superintendent of the street railway in Regina, came
to this city ten years ago as assistant superintendent of the street railway
system and shortly rose to his present position, which he has been filling
with ability and efficiency. Born in New Brunswick, on the 3d of Janu-
ary, 1879, he was the sixth of the eight children in the family of the Rev.
Samuel and Elizabeth (Campbell) Houston, seven of whom are living.
The parents were born in Ireland, where the father was educated for the
Presbyterian ministry. He came to St John, New Brunswick, shortly
after the completion of his theological course and in 1884 moved to King-
ston, Ontario. He was very well known as a divine in Ontario, where he
preached the rest of his life, He was a Liberal in politics and decidedly
pronounced in his views. In 1901, while on a visit to Ireland, he was
taken from his labors by death. His wife survived him for fourteen years,
her death occurring in Omaha, which had been her home for fifteen
David W. Houston was educated in the public and high schools of
Ontario, whither he moved with his family at the age of five, and com-
pleted his education at Queen's University, graduating with the Bachelor
of Science degree in 1907. For three years prior to his college course he
worked in Omaha, Nebraska, as a clerk in the auditing department of the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, returning to Kingston to take
his degree. After his college days were over he spent one summer in
mining work in northern Ontario, following which he went back to the
middle western states to the railway business. For the ensuing five years
he ran the Tabor & Northern Railway in Iowa, United States of America,
as agent and auditor, coming to Regina from Tabor, Iowa, in 1913. He
was promoted from his original position as assistant superintendent of
the Regina Street Railways to that of superintendent in May of 1914,
and has since held that office.
In 1908 Mr. Houston was married to Miss Sarah E. Hunter, who was
born in Kingston, and they are the parents of two children: Hannah, aged
thirteen; and John, a lad of ten. Mr. Houston is chairman of the board
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, which the entire family attends.
Like his father he is a Liberal in politics and belongs to the United
Order of Canadians, while in connection with his professional interests
he holds membership in the Engineering Institute of Canada. In uni-
versity days he participated in athletic events and now derives a great
deal of pleasure from lawn bowling, being a member of the Regina Lawn
Bowling Club. Though content with what he attains as he goes along,
Mr. Houston has always held himself in readiness to make an advance
should the opportunity to do so present itself. Fortunate in possessing
ability and character that inspires confidence in~others, he has been placed
in responsible and important positions, in all of which he has proved him-
self equal to carrying the burden imposed upon him. He is still a young
man and may confidently look forward to a future as full of promise as
the past has been of achievement.
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