Harvey Argue Doraty is prominently known in the legal circles of
Saskatoon as a member of the well known firm of Cruise, Robinson &
Doraty, which maintains well appointed offices in the Drinkle building.
He was born in Stittsville, Ontario, on the 10th of January, 1891, a son
of Albert William and Ida Elizabeth (Argue) Doraty, natives of On-
tario. The father learned the machinist's trade at an early age and oper-
ates a shop at Rouleau, Saskatchewan. He has resided in this province
since 1911 and is a prominent member of the community in which he re-
In the pursuit of his education Harvey Argue Doraty attended the
public schools of his birthplace and subsequently graduated from high
school. He then took up the study of telegraphy and was active in that
connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway at Ottawa for some two
or three years. He then went into the real estate business in Moose Jaw
and in 1911 came to Saskatoon and followed the same line of business,
under the firm name of the Ottawa Realty Company. In 1914 he ar-
ticled to Mr. George Cruise for the study of law and also took a course
in the University of Saskatoon, which institution conferred the LL. B.
degree upon him in 1917. In 1920 he was adniitted to the bar and the
same year became a member of the present firm of Cruise, Robinson &
On the 25th of June, 1913, Mr. Doraty was married to Miss Florence
Gertrude Ker, and to them one child was born: Harvey Maguire, whose
birth occurred on the 26th of September, 1917. Mrs. Doraty's death oc-
curred on the 15th of December, 1918, after six weeks of illness. Mr.
Doraty was married on the 4th of October, 1920, to Miss Mary Eliza-
beth Macdonald.
In his political views Mr. Doraty is a Conservative and he is a firm
believer in the principles of that party as factors in good government.
His religious faith is that of the Methodist church. Along strictly pro-
fessional lines he is identified with the Law Society of Saskatchewan and
the Dominion and Saskatoon Bar Associations. He is a member of the
executive committee of the Saskatoon Club and also holds a membership
in the Riverside Country Club and the Canadian Club. Although the
greater part of his time and attention is devoted to his profession, Mr.
Doraty is actively interested in farming and owns considerable valuable
land in this district.
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