Prominent among the citizens of Regina is George M. Bell, who for many years has been closely identified with the history of the city and province as a representative of some of its most important business in- terests. He was born in Brandon, Manitoba, on the 6th of Septemher, 1884, a son of Hon. George A. Bell, extended mention of whom is made on another page of this work. In the pursuit of his education George M. Bell attended school at Melita, Manitoba, and subsequently he took a teacher's course. After putting aside his textbooks he accepted a position with an implement firm in Brandon and subsequently he was sent by that concern to a branch office in Lethbridge. He resigned from that firm's employ and became associated with the Alberta Railway & Irrigation Company. He went from there to Winnipeg and was active as railway mail clerk for some time. While serving in that capacity he took up the study of medicine but gave that up before receiving his degree. In 1909 Mr. Bell came to Regina, Saskatchewan, and was assistant postmaster until he resigned in 1912 to engage in commercial pursuits. He formed a partnership with John H. Mitchell for the conduct of an insurance business and in 1913 the firm was incorporated as Bell & Mitchell, Limited. Theirs is one of the largest exclusive fire insurance agencies in Saskatchewan and they have branch offices in Vancouver and Winnipeg. Mr. Bell is a man of keen discrimination and sound judgment, and his executive ability and excellent management have been dominant factors in the continued suc- cess of the business. He has many and important interests throughout Canada. He is president of the Leader Publishing Company, Limited, and the Star Publishing Company of Saskatoon and he has been influ- ential in the organization of many concerns. He organized the Canada West Electric Company, started the Sanitary Bakery Company, is also at the head of the Western Implement Company and has an interest in the MacKenzie Coal Company. Mr. Bell and a number of other men have large coal land interests in Alberta. He is also interested in a radio plant, has extensive farm holdings in Saskatchewan and acts as president of the Agricultural Insurance Company, which he organized and which is the only local concern writing farm and hail insurance. When Mr. Bell left the post office he had a limited capital, but as the result of his busi- ness ability and hard work he accumulated a small fortune in a few years. He belongs to that class of representative Canadians who promote the general prosperity while advancing individual interests. While residing in Manitoba, Mr. Bell was married to Miss Edna Mae Parkin, the ceremony being performed in Brandon. She was educated in that province and lived there until her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Bell are parents of three children: George Max, who is twelve years of age; Audrey, nine years of age; and Olive Melrose, a little maiden of six. The religious faith of the family is that of the Presbyterian church. Although he has never sought nor desired political preferment, Mr. Bell is essen- tially public-spirited and he is a stanch supporter of the Liberal party, having firm belief in its principles as factors in good government. He has been campaign manager for many Liberal candidates. He is an active member of the Rotary Club, the Wascana Country Club, the Assiniboia Club of Regina, the Terminal City Club of Vancouver and the Carleton Club of Winnipeg. For recreation he turns to sports and he is very fond of shooting, at which he is proficient. During his school days he played football and hockey. Bibliography follows:

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